extension for 300D remote

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Senior Member
Hi guys, does anyone knows where to by the extension cable for the RS 60E3 wired remote? I'm looking for a 3rd party one, and should be at least 7~10m long, as I need it to take group photos. Any shops around Suntec sells?Thanks in advance!


Use the IR remote

Use the timer function.

Amfibius said:

Use the IR remote

Use the timer function.

I have the IR remote, but it doesnt work as the camera will be around 7~9metres away from the group, and I don't want to have to run up to the camera and run back to press the trigger everytime... :bsmilie:

Hmm...the RS-60E3 is the one with the mini phono plug right?
A wild guess would be to get those earphone extension plug with a mini phono plug and give it a try...however the distance is quite long though...so...

7-9m...group photo with remote release? Tell me where and when, then I go and steal your camera...haha! :p Seriously, I think you should ask someone to help you take the picture instead.

the RS60-E3 remote switch uses a standard 2.5 mm (submini) audio head and plugs into a 2.5 mm jack...

can use Timer for that so that you have time to run back ?
I bought a 3rd party Cable release at Cathay Photo though but not sure if its long enuff for u...

+evenstar said:
I have the IR remote, but it doesnt work as the camera will be around 7~9metres away from the group, and I don't want to have to run up to the camera and run back to press the trigger everytime... :bsmilie:

I think the cable you are looking for is rather long and don't you think it will show in the photo? Furthermore I think it is not worth it to buy such a long cable solely for this purpose. You will only use it once in a blue moon or maybe only for this occasion. I still think the timer is the cheapest and easiest way to do this. Just out of curiosity shouldn't the IR work up to that distance? Another alternative is to use a wider lens and move your camera nearer. Just my opinion.

jbma said:
I think the cable you are looking for is rather long and don't you think it will show in the photo? Furthermore I think it is not worth it to buy such a long cable solely for this purpose. You will only use it once in a blue moon or maybe only for this occasion. I still think the timer is the cheapest and easiest way to do this. Just out of curiosity shouldn't the IR work up to that distance? Another alternative is to use a wider lens and move your camera nearer. Just my opinion.
I think his group is one of those extremely huge ones with a couple of hundred ppl in it. Thus the distance.

Anyway, the timer shld suffice. I dun think the IR can work at such crazy distance and I dun think there's any handsfree set that stretches up to 7 or 8m long.... :D

jsbn said:
I think his group is one of those extremely huge ones with a couple of hundred ppl in it. Thus the distance.

This is the more reason he should use a wide angle lens rather than moving the camera so far back.

jbma said:
This is the more reason he should use a wide angle lens rather than moving the camera so far back.

I'm using the EF-S 18-55 at 30mm..group of about 150+ people split into 7 rows. Last time I took the group shot, the camera was just at the limit of the remote range, so I'm thinking of getting extension for my remote...not sure whether harvery norman or Carrefour sells...

+evenstar said:
I'm using the EF-S 18-55 at 30mm..group of about 150+ people split into 7 rows. Last time I took the group shot, the camera was just at the limit of the remote range, so I'm thinking of getting extension for my remote...not sure whether harvery norman or Carrefour sells...

You don't need to run 9m if your IR remote is out of range ? If i'm not wrong, IR's range is approx 5m. I suggest you set to 10sec self timer, then stand 5m away from the camera, use the IR, then run 4m back to the group, wouldnt that be a brilliant idea? :D Hmmz, unless you can't run 4m in 10secs? ;p

BTW, you look like my friend, you're not Willie are you?

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