EXPOSE yourself - XLII

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Boobs so FAKE looks like STICK ON! :bsmilie:

Massive turn-OFF! Just like a trannie's rock hard boobs on a real female bod. EEW!

IIRC the one u got isn't masking tape... it's AIR-CON tape :bigeyes:... tat one stick liao....ouch!!! :sweat::sweat::sweat:


what is aircon tape? LOL i don't even remember. so many years ago. i think my parents stuck the tape on me ftw

i think this is double sided tape though


dun be fooled... tat's a HE! :bsmilie:

Oh man! I know of trannies with softer, more natural, luscious and like totally attractive boobs than that peekchure!

Is the whole yank obsession with excessiveness. Everything has to be BIGGER, HARDER, MORE POWEREFUL etc till everything goes totally OTT!

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what is aircon tape? LOL i don't even remember. so many years ago. i think my parents stuck the tape on me ftw

not the original one... tot you got PS in a roll of tape... last nite or a couple of nites ago...

I cover morning and nite shift until I cannot tell which shift liao... :sweat:

not the original one... tot you got PS in a roll of tape... last nite or a couple of nites ago...

I cover morning and nite shift until I cannot tell which shift liao... :sweat:

Different shifts is a myth.

It's all one loooong haul bro! :bsmilie:

Hey, anyone wants to take up the challenge of hooting Chinatown toonai?

Stoned liao.

Nap time! :bsmilie:

Nai Nai ebriwan.

Plish list your name down if you wannt hoot Cheenatown toonai!

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