Thanks for pointing that precious link... the surprises just keep coming.. gosh.. a truely amazing piece of equipment.... I'm lovin it!
Thanks for pointing that precious link... the surprises just keep coming.. gosh.. a truely amazing piece of equipment.... I'm lovin it!
Thanks for pointing that precious link... the surprises just keep coming.. gosh.. a truely amazing piece of equipment.... I'm lovin it!
Gosh .. ClubSnap need to gear for video streaming liao... the video fever may strike anytime...Try to take video clips on your son. Capture the preious moments.
Gosh .. ClubSnap need to gear for video streaming liao... the video fever may strike anytime...
Even flicker worked that video route a few months back only...

Do you guys notice is a small red reflection above the top AF point on your 5D2s whenever that AF point is activated? It doesn't bother me, but I checked both copies and both had them so just curious.
(1) Sprewell
(2) engrmariano
(3) PictureFreak
(4) m3lv1nh0
(5) phoakm :bsmilie:
(6) falconite (members have what priveledges?)
(7) flyer
Do you guys notice is a small red reflection above the top AF point on your 5D2s whenever that AF point is activated? It doesn't bother me, but I checked both copies and both had them so just curious.
When CP called to inform me my pre-order had arrived, I overheard someone giving up his queue for one piece so I jumped on the opportunity and reserved the other. Business expense helps
Just press the AF Point Selection / Magnify button and all the AF points will light up and you can check if there is a red reflection above the top AF point in the VF. It seems to be present only when the top AF point is lighted. Just one very small issue I've noticed so far.
I have it too..selected center AF point.. when I lock focus.. the top AF points is lighted up too.. most likely because of the reflection.. quite confusing but I guess I will get used to it.. that's the problem of getting the first batch.. just holding the mkii makes me feel that I am a better photographer.. muhaha
Here is another...I think that's the reflection, I noticed it since I started to use 400D. It's more noticable because AF points in 5d ii are all located pretty close to the center - let's face it, there is one thing not good about 5d ii,
Here is another...
You cannot open 5DmkII RAW on CS3... not without considerable difficulty of first converting to DNG... now my digital work flow is screwed!! CS4.. here i come!!
sure kena purchase CS4 when purchase of 5D MKII. camera raw 5 not supported by CS3.
follow link from adobe.
even purchase CS4 still need to update the camera raw 5.2 from adobe web site above.