EF-50mm F/1.8 Purchase w/ Purchase at IT Show for $89!


New Member
Feb 16, 2011
Anyone extending their Canon DSLR warranty from IT Show? So can help me buy a EF-50mm F/1.8 at $89. Haha ;)

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Bro it is nt PWP... It is with extended warranty ;p

Inflation takes its toll. It used to be only $50...

if we purchase the extended warranty they will apply for us right? so when we fill in the warranty online we dont reapply for the extended warranty is it?

i had bought the 50mm in dec 2010 from canon PWP promo. now they raised it to 89 bucks. phew! how fast price changes...

50 bucks? That is dirt cheap for a lens. Was it the MkI?

Tot it was $60 during end of last yr?

Canon varies its promotional freebies from time to time.

In Oct to Nov 2009 they gave the 50mm 1.8 FOC with purchase of DSLRs, in Nov-Dec 2010 it was 50mm 1.8 at $60 PWP.

Jan this year was free tripod, and now in march they are giving out the Crumpler bag. So it depends on what promo freebies canon offers at the time of purchase.