Easter Shoot in AP

Daddy Bear

New Member
Aug 14, 2010
An attempt to shoot the fabled robberfly was doomed to failure, as the robberfly was AWOL today.
Anyhow, it was a good time spent with the guys and gals.

Sharing just a few shots today. C and C welcome!

7D/180mm/Extension tubes 36+20mm/F13/Shutter 1/200s/ISO 640mm/home made DIY diffuser/ Single Flash mounted on wimberley bracket/ Flash +1.67/

1. Morning Dew

2. The Wolf and his lair

3. Yellow yellow dirty fellow

4. Ornamental Tree Trunk Spider

Thanks for viewing and Happy Easter, everyone!


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Nice shots boss, glad to drop by and kachiao. lol
last one is ornamental tree trunk spider~

Nice shots, Bro Adrian.
I like #1. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
Something for a change. ;)

Adrian, your shots getting better and better now day..:heart:
Hopefully someday I manage to have your this knid of standard..:)

Adrian, your shots getting better and better now day..:heart:
Hopefully someday I manage to have your this knid of standard..:)

Jacobs, thank you for your kind words.
I just strive to be a sponge and learn from masters like you and Victor!

Shooting with you is always a pleasure. I enjoy the photo sessions as much as wanton mee/makan sessions after them! :)

Thanks MM! Happy Easter to you!

Nice series bro, bad day @ field still have some nice shots to share, *thumbsup* :)

Thanks Galmen, nothing new or spectacular. Just a something simple and common done right! ;) Tks for viewing bro!

Good collection Adrian... #2 is a common sight at AP but you have managed to bring out the essence of the pix.. good job!

Good collection Adrian... #2 is a common sight at AP but you have managed to bring out the essence of the pix.. good job!

Thanks bro. Your words make my day! :)

Love the shot of the wolf spider with dew around it Adrian :thumbsup: