East Shooter Anyone?

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st41 here :)

when is the next meet up?

The details are as follows. Please add in your ID to the list.
2nd Outing:
Venue : Pulau Ubin (may cycle or walk or hire van - so take note what bags/equipment to bring)
Date: 2nd March
Time : 9am at Changi Village Jetty
1) irahaz
2) majujat
3) lukesky
4) engrmariano (?)

Lukesky "think(s) cycling is the best way around the island because we can cover the most distance and we have the flexibility to go to those smaller tracks where the vans cannot reach and we can stop wherever we want. So we'll assume everyone can cycle, those who can't please state it so that we can plan for tandem bikes."

We can fill in the details along the way. Traveling by bicycles when we are in PU is the current option. Any one has a different suggestion?

Things to consider in the details:
1) Meeting point
2) What happen if there are latecomers
3) Equipment (cam, lenses, bags etc)
4) Attire
5) Food/drinks

organizers, please give advise to what lukesky's post.:thumbsup:

There is another Ubin meetup by the Newbies group (which I also join their meetups) and they are going to Chek Jawa on 15th March.

Thread is here : http://www.clubsnap.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=351787

So it's either we go on our own or we tag along with them? What say everyone?
Unfortunately I can't join for the 2nd due to sch commitments. As for what Lukesky suggested, I don't mind the 15th..

There is another Ubin meetup by the Newbies group (which I also join their meetups) and they are going to Chek Jawa on 15th March.

Thread is here : http://www.clubsnap.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=351787

So it's either we go on our own or we tag along with them? What say everyone?

Hi Lukesky,

I've considered the options. These are my two-cents worth:

Option 1

1. Going with them is actually a good idea. I believe generalsales has lots of experience in organizing such trips/outings.
2. There are some old birds going for that trip so there's g0nna be experienced fotog whom we can tap on to ask f0r fotografi tips.

1. Going on our own basically means that it's gonna be a "trial and error" thing for those going. It may be bad in the sense that things simply may just go wrong. However, it can be a good thing coz learning the hard way, we'll remember it more.
2. It looks like ours will be a smaller group. In that sense, we have better control of our movement and time than if we were to be in a bigger group.

My take
I personally feel that we should continue on our own, and if some of use want to, can also join the other group later. Why on our own? The reason is simple. This outing is for eastshooters and we're trying to give this group a jumpstart (after the first outing).

Marcus may have started this thread as an attempt to get foto kakis and then decided to give up the idea (for reasons only known to him), but I think it's a good idea. I've so far been able to touch base with at least two other people here on a constant basis. In order for this group to remain viable, we should build a core team as the engine (btw, i've got no licence so cannot drive. anyone is welcome to spearhead any new outings .. ;p) and from there, can have a constant flow of outings subsequently. We're here to have fun shooting pics.

We have another informal coffee session tomorrow (Thusrday, 21 Feb 2008) at Mc Donalds Tampines mall at 8 pm. We gonna TCSS again.

So far majujat, daniesha0802 and I are confrimed going. Kennmail is pending.

Sorry for the late info. It was just an impromptu thingy.

Please join in.

9787 5574


st41 here :)

when is the next meet up?

organizers, please give advise to what lukesky's post.:thumbsup:

Ave 5 here...:)

me too. I am staying in Tampines, do call me if you guys plan any outing. Can be contacted at 97400505. Faisal - Equp 400d/50mm f1.8, 70-300mm f3.5 to 5, 28-135

i live in tamp as well

would be interested in meeting up!

Joining us tomorrow for coffee session?

Hp: 90022750.


Would love to, but i can only make it there by 9, ok with u guys?
What is TCSS?
need to bring camera?


Would love to, but i can only make it there by 9, ok with u guys?
What is TCSS?
need to bring camera?

1) No prob.
2) Talk C@*k Sing Song - just a slang for chilling (another slang, it seems ;p)
3) Not necessary but i'm bringing a lappy. MJ and I are showing the pics of the fotoshoots we took over the weekend - just comparing notes. And perhaps a tip or two on the use of Adobe Photoshop CS3.

Actually we can even go both.. once on 2nd March and another time on 15th. Reason being those first timers who go there the first time might see something that they want to shoot and going back a 2nd time allows them to do that.
Anyway I'd say 1 day is not enough to cover the whole island esp if you're a nature lover. I'm not particularly a nature lover but I already been there twice in the past 3 months and both times I walked... very shaq.. so this time wana try cycling instead.

I must also agree with irahaz's point about smaller group and the camadarie formed. Newbies outing is really big, can go up to 30 plus people and it's hard to remember the names and nicks and all that of everyone. It's just a different feel.

So now we have 4 names going on March 2nd so see how it goes.. still got a few more weeks to gather more members..:angel:

We have another informal coffee session tomorrow (Thusrday, 21 Feb 2008) at Mc Donalds Tampines mall at 8 pm. We gonna TCSS again.

So far majujat, daniesha0802 and I are confrimed going. Kennmail is pending.

Sorry for the late info. It was just an impromptu thingy.

Please join in.

9787 5574

too bad can't make it . :sweat:

Hmmm...since its the east thread, just wondering if anyone's in the east coast, siglap, marine parade area?

hey bro, i'm at siglap area. cheers

is the meetup this evening at mcdo tampines mall already confirmed?
coz i'm on night shift but can go out for a while to chat with you guys.:)

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