E5 weatherproofing tested in Iceland

teeyt explanation is right. Its the same concept, but the pressure levels are way lower...like I said, probably not more than atmospheric pressure. Water from splash or rain, is actually water at something a little more than atmospheric pressure.

Once it is submerged, this pressure increases based on the depth. All physics lar...either u paid attention or you din. So even when u say something is waterproof, the next correct question is how deep and for how long because it all depends.

If u all catch no ball, I apologize...this is as best as I can explain it. Maybe if u google it, u may get a better understanding.

Hahaha, its alright,I still catch no ball,as my mother always says "all my things return to teacher already" just went for NS checkup last month, got some computer test about physics and maths,and indeed I've returned everything to my teachers :bsmilie:

lol all the science geeks here.. HAHA =) anyway some rich guy should buy 2 E-5 and try submerging 1 as far as possible until water seeps in.. Then can share with us the maximum water depth resistance and we can all do underwater photography without casings =)

PS: Does any1 know how many post till the New Member status becomes Member? Kinda weird to be new member after 2+ years.. LOL.

IIRC, its 50 posts, and I don't think a rich guy will do that,hahahah, waste of money, can use that money to earn more money :sticktong