E-PL2 Red Spots

Hmm... I wonder if it could be the new lens instead, I can't read Chinese hahaha so I'm not sure of the lens and the test they're doing

Looks like a lens problem....or even a filter problem.

It looks like it has been discuss in hong kong and taiwan forum.

Hong Kong forum:

Taiwan Forum:

Most picture tested using the new 14-42 II kit lens and some nikon old lens. Never mention if any filter attached but I assumed no filter is use.

It looks very serious under certain condition. Especially when using small aperture, it will become more obvious. Comparing with Epl1, it seems like Epl1 does not have this problem at all, at least I can't spot any of the red dot light in the picture.

There is one user from Taiwan forum who post up testings and ways to overcome this problem. Basically is to avoid pointing the center of the lens towards the light source, avoid using small aperture, and adding a CPL filter will help.

XZ-1 also have this problem.

Hopefully all these information will help for those who would like to purchase EPL2 for light photography. And hopefully Olympus solve this issue if possible.

I was all ready to go for the E-PL2 , but these issues are like a big pail of cold water that poured over me, grrrr.

Hi people, anyone owns the E-PL2 now and can you see if you face the same issues as discussed here?


I was all ready to go for the E-PL2 , but these issues are like a big pail of cold water that poured over me, grrrr.
I'd tried E-PL2 briefly and I did not encountered the issues reported in the Chinese forums... The pictures posted there might be shot with a defective pre-production set? :dunno:

I'd tried E-PL2 briefly and I did not encountered the issues reported in the Chinese forums... The pictures posted there might be shot with a defective pre-production set? :dunno:

So many? What is the lens they were using? The 14-42MKII?

is the EPL2 already available in Singapore for purchase?

It looks like it has been discuss in hong kong and taiwan forum.

Hong Kong forum:

Taiwan Forum:

Most picture tested using the new 14-42 II kit lens and some nikon old lens. Never mention if any filter attached but I assumed no filter is use.

It looks very serious under certain condition. Especially when using small aperture, it will become more obvious. Comparing with Epl1, it seems like Epl1 does not have this problem at all, at least I can't spot any of the red dot light in the picture.

There is one user from Taiwan forum who post up testings and ways to overcome this problem. Basically is to avoid pointing the center of the lens towards the light source, avoid using small aperture, and adding a CPL filter will help.

XZ-1 also have this problem.

Hopefully all these information will help for those who would like to purchase EPL2 for light photography. And hopefully Olympus solve this issue if possible.

From the Taiwan link, it says further down, iPhone 4 also has such issue & much more pronounced. If apple products have it, that can mean only 1 thing.... Its a feature & its magical!! HAHAHAHA!!

(ps. Looks like something is strange with the filters on the sensor, cud be IR or AA or the coatings? Gives out only red colour so i guess it has something to to with the IR filter)

you and the article, i can't read chinese:embrass::bsmilie:
Some images looked like lens flare. I think it's the angle where the glasses are pointed.

A number of images posted at the Chinese forum looked like reflection of light. It seems that the camera was pointed directly at a strong light source. As for those red dots images I don't really know what's happening.

I tried it with 14-42mm MK II MSC on a few occasions. It did not exhibit those red dots images reported over at the Chinese forums. Same goes to XZ-1 as well. :)

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Some images looked like lens flare. I think it's the angle where the glasses are pointed.

Some of the images posted at the Chinese forum looked like reflection of light. It seems that the camera was pointed directly at a strong light source. As for those red dots images I don't really know what's happening.

I tried it with 14-42mm MK II MSC on a few occasions. It did not exhibit those red dots images reported over at the Chinese forums. Same goes to XZ-1 as well. :)

I guessed it was flare, but since I can't read chinese,I can't really say it is the lens fault :think: But I do agree with you that they seem to be pointing at really strong sources of light, just gotta wait and see

Nightpiper, I seriously feel like kicking your arse for the fun of it ;)

I was all ready to go for the E-PL2 , but these issues are like a big pail of cold water that poured over me, grrrr.

Still at early stages yet, so far it only occurs in the more extreme situations. I would wait for futher testing before making a decision :)

I guessed it was flare, but since I can't read chinese,I can't really say it is the lens fault :think: But I do agree with you that they seem to be pointing at really strong sources of light, just gotta wait and see

Nightpiper, I seriously feel like kicking your arse for the fun of it ;)

Why want to kick me? U so evil i go complain u HAHAHAHAHA!!! (U dun like new feature & magic?)

Anyway, i dun think its flare, the red spots looked too uniform & too many, reminds me of those art filers that u use for star burst efx. I think its more like reflection on the sensor coating, something to that line, or the sensor filters has a new coating that resulted in such red spot burst.

Why want to kick me? U so evil i go complain u HAHAHAHAHA!!! (U dun like new feature & magic?)

Anyway, i dun think its flare, the red spots looked too uniform & too many, reminds me of those art filers that u use for star burst efx. I think its more like reflection on the sensor coating, something to that line, or the sensor filters has a new coating that resulted in such red spot burst.

magic = deception by means of distraction :bsmilie: ok la, i talking rubbish XD I don't need new features like that ;) Star burst art filter?;)

The dpreview thread also mentions that the same thing happened with the Sigma DP1 and RED cams.

The dpreview thread also mentions that the same thing happened with the Sigma DP1 and RED cams.

so do they resolve it? :eek:
hm does not seem like there is a solution for DP1

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After a little thot, i find it hard to believe that Oly didn't put in the effort in the lens coatings to reduce such internal reflections from sensor. BUT knowing Oly & the history of their 43 & u43 cams & lenses, my conclusion is... these spots is a sensor issue & not the lens or Oly issue since elgkh mentioned DP1 & RED also has such prob & iPhone 4 too.

Did a little searching & found that iPhone 4 uses sensor from Omnivision. Perhaps & maybe DP1, RED & now Oly buy/design-build sensors form this manufacturer? Omnivision has an issue with their sensor design/manufacturing? :think: :think: