dry cabinet dos & don'ts - from the horse's mouth

may i enquire on something, have read the past post and the recommend is ard 40- 50%, i have a portable digi case and i've recently replace the gels, at first after i replace the gel, the RH% drop to 30%. am worry if it will spolit my camera, experts pls advise...tks

may i enquire on something, have read the past post and the recommend is ard 40- 50%, i have a portable digi case and i've recently replace the gels, at first after i replace the gel, the RH% drop to 30%. am worry if it will spolit my camera, experts pls advise...tks

30% RH is bad for rubber and dry up lubricant in equipment.

hmmm wht should i do then..pls advise..is it the silica gel tt is causing??

Thanks a lot. Canon told me to store my lenses in a dry cabinet but not how. Just took out the flashes. i guess the same goes for lens hoods

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* they store their cameras/lenses at between 40-45% RH (they are NOT specifying this but its what THEY use).
* accessories like plastic stuff (eg, flash unit), fabrics (straps, lens pouches, flash cases) & batteries should not be stored inside a dry cabinet.
* camera body/lenses should be wiped dry and aired after a shoot before storage.
* fabric/leather straps soak up sweat and moisture and recommended not to be stored in dry cabinet
* should not leave cameras/lenses in dry cabinet for extended periods as it does (slow) damage to plastics/rubber - in other words, USE your gear regularly.
I tot dry cabinets r suppose to 'suck' out the moisture frm the equipment regardless is sweat or wat? So your setpoint shld be 45%, when u put your equipment in, it shld start to increase but decrease to 45% again after some time. Then it proves tat the dry cabinet is working? and when it reached back 45%, it means tat the moisture on the gears or fabric or watever u put in has also been lowered/reduced/removed. If there r so many considerations, y nid to buy dry cabinet?

Just wanted to ask what happens if you set the humidity to 20 ish.... isn't the lower the moisture the better it is?

Just wanted to ask what happens if you set the humidity to 20 ish.... isn't the lower the moisture the better it is?

I guess this should increase the drying up of the plastic and rubber parts.

So, it is nt wise to keep Flash and Batt in a dry cabinet?

Hi, not sure if this is the right place but since all are talking about dry cabinet, I do have a question which hope to get some advise.

I am trying to get a dry cabinet and do not know which brand to go for. I know there are some chinese brand but I try to keep away from them as I am not sure about their quality.

Any recommendations would be appreciated.


Hi, not sure if this is the right place but since all are talking about dry cabinet, I do have a question which hope to get some advise.

I am trying to get a dry cabinet and do not know which brand to go for. I know there are some chinese brand but I try to keep away from them as I am not sure about their quality.

Any recommendations would be appreciated.


Thorough research was done on this topic by a chap called "Filmnoir".
You should use the search function to find answers to this particular question, which has been asked and answered many times.
For your convenience, here is a link to the sticky on Dry Cabinets:

I am using a digi-cabi cabinet nowadays to store my gears.

have fine-tuned the humidity to around 45-50 already. then electrcity always is on, until today forgot to switch off the electricity before I went out, and when I came back earlier on, humidity shot up to 71! :confused:

does that mean my cabinet has a leak or it is normal for humidity to shoot up if electricity not turned on?

I am using a digi-cabi cabinet nowadays to store my gears.

have fine-tuned the humidity to around 45-50 already. then electrcity always is on, until today forgot to switch off the electricity before I went out, and when I came back earlier on, humidity shot up to 71! :confused:

does that mean my cabinet has a leak or it is normal for humidity to shoot up if electricity not turned on?

Electricity needs to be ON all the time buddy.

Electricity needs to be ON all the time buddy.

yah, I know have to on. but meaning that if no electricity when humidity is at 45 for example, will shoot up to 70+ after a few hours?

is it leak or due to some other reason? :embrass:

yah, I know have to on. but meaning that if no electricity when humidity is at 45 for example, will shoot up to 70+ after a few hours?

is it leak or due to some other reason? :embrass:

The cabs are not pressurised (positive or negative) so yes there will be leakage. If the room had aircon I would expect less of a rise in rh so with the high humidity in no aircon room it is for sure possible.

Hi, is it advisable to put my toy cameras inside the dry cabinet? Also how long would the battery for the hydrometer last? Thanks

Dear fellow friends,

I am new to photography. I am looking for a dry cabinet for my camera. Pls advise where and which brand/cabinet should i get. Apologised if this is a repeated thread.

Thank you in advance :)

Dear fellow friends,

I am new to photography. I am looking for a dry cabinet for my camera. Pls advise where and which brand/cabinet should i get. Apologised if this is a repeated thread.

Thank you in advance :)

As mentioned a few entries above your question, here's where to go: http://www.clubsnap.com/forums/showthread.php?t=481380

That link will help you decide.

Hi all,

With all the talk about what or what not to store, and how dry it should be, I am wondering if there is a need for us to take out everything, give it a good mop once in a while e.g. like what we do to our homes during Lunar New Year.

Like it or not, there will be some dust accumulated there if we open and close the doors to access our equipments.