Dog Meat sold in Sg? (source: HWZ)

But the guards all so dao. I feel them up so many times before they just gimme black face only. Dun dare to go in leh. I prefer if they're friendly and can talk to me. :bsmilie:

You got ask permission before feeling them up or not? Maybe that's why they black face, if you ask nicely they sure let you feel :bsmilie:

Hmm do we macro it before we eat it?

No.... didn't bring Macro Lens and the spider is already 'well cooked'... :bsmilie:

Does it taste like crabs?

Yes... like softshell crab from those Jap maken place.... no strange or bad smell at all. Maybe due to the garlic inside the oil... nice garlic smell. :thumbsup:

Deep fried scorpions in BJ and yunnan.

Nice.... always wanted to try Scorpions.... in Siem Reap Cambodia, you'll find Spider, Cricket, Grasshopper... and misc water beetle...

Spider - Very Good
Cricket - so-so only
Grasshopper - so-so only
Misc Water beetle - please avoid :sweat:

Dog meat for China man

soon Rat Cuisine in the menu as we have more Vietnamese immigrant

Balut by the Pinoy ....

Let's welcome another 900K Immigrant

This is really more of a cultural/religious issue than an ethical one and some people may be go out to defend their fundamental beliefs. There is no right or wrong involved here.

For example, cattle are considered sacred in some religion and in the 1966, Indian Sadhus (Hindu Holymen) are shot dead in a demonstration to demand a ban on the slaughter of cattle in what will later be known as the 1966 anti-cow slaughter agitation.

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so fast AVA took action alredi. Meat send for testing liao.

Colonial's mindset.. when you have nothing to eat ... you will go for dog or even human being if it is available

Yappy said:
Colonial's mindset.. when you have nothing to eat ... you will go for dog or even human being if it is available

I'll rather eat grass and let the dog keep me company :)

I'll rather eat grass and let the dog keep me company :)

Spoken like a person yet to know true hunger..... :think:

Btw... Straits Time on page B1 have a report on this issue... according to the shop owner... the meat is pork and pig's innards... but lets wait for AVA to check.

catchlights said:
in the ancient China, during the famine, the people are exchanging their child with neighbors to eat.

I think they still do that in some rural parts (eating children) not sure if they bother exchanging though..

it's getting 'heaty' here in this hot weather... LOL

let's drink liang teh, and go vegan for at least a day every week... :)

Actually, we have to eat anything regardless of cultural or religious reasons (except human) in order to survive when in extreme hunger where normal foods are not available.

i remember a touching story of a historical Chinese hero and another monk who sliced off their flesh (thigh or calf muscle) in order to cook it to feed it to their parents during the times of great wars and famine in ancient China..

I ever heard a phrase to chinese people, anything that with
back facing sky" "背向天" is adable :bsmilie: I would say it's up to individual, but I only eat reared animal because I have a choice :lovegrin:

Yes... like softshell crab from those Jap maken place.... no strange or bad smell at all. Maybe due to the garlic inside the oil... nice garlic smell. :thumbsup:

Nice.... always wanted to try Scorpions.... in Siem Reap Cambodia, you'll find Spider, Cricket, Grasshopper... and misc water beetle...

Spider - Very Good
Cricket - so-so only
Grasshopper - so-so only
Misc Water beetle - please avoid :sweat:

Wah! sounds like a must try. :D

Tried quite a bit of stuff in Korea and China, grasshopper, seahorse, silkworm, caterpillar, but maybe its the way they cook, all not nice.
Tried dog, camel, donkey as well, but it was package meat like 'braised pork cubes style" that we get in army rations. They all tasted the same (cause of cooking/packaging style again)

So far, my conclusion has been that the domesticated livestock is still the best, probably people through history have already 'taste tested' and cut down on the options to these few anyway (other than ease of rearing).

One exception for me is kangaroo. Like beef, but tender and juicy.

I actually ate in that restaurant before about 1 year back, and they already had "dog meat" on the menu at that time.

newspaper reported...... the boss very angry wanna go back.

how about rabbit meat? they're cute and adorable.