Does this work for you?

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New Member
Mar 4, 2002
Just wondering whether this image works, for your comments and criticism please. ;)


Fred said:
Just wondering whether this image works, for your comments and criticism please. ;)


Foreground's a little too dark on my screen. Think would have preferred if the background structure is emphasized more by zooming in and excluding the lamppost to the left and maybe part of the road to the right. Also personally would rather haf no cars on the road, or jus cars going in the direction of the structure at the back...think oncoming cars shift the focus to the front when it should be the back where the structure is? :)

Jus my opinions, overall a nice pic, but prb can be improved? ;p And the cloud formation gives a good backdrop.

nice clouds and cityscape outlines. London?

The sunlight seemed rather hash and make the cars look underexposed.

Is it me or is the horizon slightly slanted?

Overall - it is pleasing to me.

phantasia said:
Foreground's a little too dark on my screen. Think would have preferred if the background structure is emphasized more by zooming in and excluding the lamppost to the left and maybe part of the road to the right. Also personally would rather haf no cars on the road, or jus cars going in the direction of the structure at the back...think oncoming cars shift the focus to the front when it should be the back where the structure is? :)
Jus my opinions, overall a nice pic, but prb can be improved? ;p And the cloud formation gives a good backdrop.
Hey Thanks for sharing these valuable tips ;) points noted and I do agree with them. Will try harder next time, Happy shooting! :cool:

offspring said:
nice clouds and cityscape outlines. London?
The sunlight seemed rather hash and make the cars look underexposed.
Is it me or is the horizon slightly slanted?
Overall - it is pleasing to me.
Yes, it's London. ;) This image was taken in the late noon, I've intentionally underexposed the foreground in order to capture the cloud formation. Glad you finding the image pleasing and thanks for viewing and commenting. :)

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