Direct Flash?

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Senior Member
Hi all,

I have noticed from the photographers in the news and streets that most just used direct flash. They could be shooting events, celebrities, sports, models....

Few seems to have a ommibounce or used the small bounce card available from their flash.

But I have yet to see them using a bounce card, lightsphere or any other methods of directing the flash.

Don't know what is the reason for this.

Can anyone advise?

Thanks in advance.

They need the range and just need to get the shot. Dont need to care much about making the celebrity look 3d or what as long as they can catch thier face or whatever it is they are doing.

Hi all,

I have noticed from the photographers in the news and streets that most just used direct flash. They could be shooting events, celebrities, sports, models....

Few seems to have a ommibounce or used the small bounce card available from their flash.

But I have yet to see them using a bounce card, lightsphere or any other methods of directing the flash.

Don't know what is the reason for this.

Can anyone advise?

Thanks in advance.
bounce card, ommibounce, lightsphere has little use when you have nothing to bounce with in outdoor shooting and the subjects are in a distance away.

Professionals don't just wanna look cool, they just wanna get the job done fast and well done.
half right, they know what's work, what are not.

Hi Catchlights, agree with you on direct flash when the subject are in a distance.

However, care to explain on the outdoors? Isn't it why most of us are use bounce cards? A little confused here.... :(

Hi Catchlights, agree with you on direct flash when the subject are in a distance.

However, care to explain on the outdoors? Isn't it why most of us are use bounce cards? A little confused here.... :(

Nothing to bounce on... no ceiling, no walls.... So?

Direct would be the safest if you're able to figure the strength needed. A bounce card would make you lose plenty of flash power and may not be able to let the required amount hit your target, i.e. who you wanna shoot.

the bigger the light source (relative to the size of the subjest), yield softer light.
that's why cloudy day has softer light than sunny day. (the whole cloud become a big softbox during cloudy day, and the sun is a pointed light source on a sunny day)

any diffuse light loses power, eg. sunny day you can get f16, but cloudy day become f8~f11, and the sun is still same distance away from earth.

using a bounce card at outdoor, you increase the size of light source from 1"x2" (flash) to 4"x6" (bounce card), so, how soft can it be?

for some, they just want a more even spread of light to a bigger area for using a bounce card, as for the rest, you have to ask them why they want to use bounce card at outdoor and what effects they want to create.

Thanks Catchlights. That was really informative.

I also noticed that using direct flash often gets the "red eye". How can we avoid this without post processing?

Seems to me that you are using direct flash, right?

the cause for red eye is when the flash are to close with the lens.
if you are using a hotshoe flash shooting direct, Caucasian will easily get red eye effect than Asian. to avoid red eye when shooting direct flash, just move the flash further away from the lens, like using flash bracket, for the same reason, flash bracket are commonly use in western countries.

I shoot with flash with everything, all bounce devices have it pro and con, have different effects, and only work in certain condition.
in my camera bag has LS PJ, bounce card, thebetterbounce card, and I can shoot with direct flash, ceiling bounce, built in bounce card, standard bounce card, thebetterbounce card whatever the methods work best for me.

my tots.
1. no where to bounce ie no ceiling walls; open air
2. bounce flash too slow
3. classic debate of getting a nice pic vs. getting no pic at all. :)
4. most of these pics come out in places where resolutions sux anyways. eg.tabiolds, newspaper?

Thanks catchlights. Just managed to read your link due to my busy schedule. A very informative link. Thanks again.

Hi esmondng, good thoughts....

I though flash always created to be used for direct flash. The GN of the flash also measured in direct flash.

If the flash have pan tilt head, it is for people to be more creative. But the main purpose is direct flash.


Thanks catchlights. Just managed to read your link due to my busy schedule. A very informative link. Thanks again.

Hi esmondng, good thoughts....
You're welcomed. :)

I though flash always created to be used for direct flash. The GN of the flash also measured in direct flash.

If the flash have pan tilt head, it is for people to be more creative. But the main purpose is direct flash.

Yes, exactly, hotshoe flash are intend to use to shoot direct flash, and shooting direct flash it is not a crime, or a sin.

for photographers, it is his decision to decide which method (type of flash light) is able to give him the effect, results in the most effective way.

btw, one seasonal wedding photographer giving me advise regarding shooting weddings many years ago, "for daytime indoor use bounce flash whenever it is bounce-able, dinner time it is alright to shoot with direct flash, no picture able to deliver is not acceptable, this is how you make your customers pay for your professional service."

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