DILEMMAAAA....Konica Minolta Dynax

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Oh my ppl..guess what..the camera went bonkers on me again. It seemed that after metering and getting a focus, the camera just won't snap a foto.. the same old problem when i sent in for d first repair like a month ago..the engineer told me it was d anti-shake that needed replacement....oh my...

Go get it done for free!!!

I had also just sent in my KM 5D for repair,
I had mine for only 2 yrs, nvr gave me a prob till I dropped it & cracked my case
and LCD. On the collection sheet, it is stated that Sony will give it a 3mth warranty
on what was repaired;)

I'm going to collect back my cam tomorrow if possible:lovegrin:

I bought the a100 2 weeks ago:sweatsm: A nice cam but if u were not happy with
the 5D, u'll probably not like the a100 cos they're almost identical.
They're both just entry level cam and 3fps is common/norm for this lvl.

p.s. I saw on a forum that the a700 had been spotted at Sg Wang for RM$4500 (body only)
It would work out to be relatively cheap for u guys who work in SG, cheaper than what KM
sold the 7D for.

woah...hmmm...local m'sia set or still a grey sey..any idea?

woah...hmmm...local m'sia set or still a grey sey..any idea?

That I dunno since I did not go there to verify.

Sungei Wang? Trustworthy shop or not? Dun want to experience the kind of sales gimmicks like in SLS.

I bought my KM5D there, dun like those shops tho.
When I bought my 5D, there weren't even any other KM lenses for sale,
I wasn't asked to buy anything else either, neither were they very
enthusiastic about selling KM stuff.:bsmilie:

It went on like :
Me : I want the KM 5D, body only thanks
Shop : RM$3000, comes in kit form only
( The first batch of 5D came only in kit, not the shop's prob )
Me : Can reduce abit?
Shop : No.
Me : Can I try?
Shop : Ok
Me : (Play with it, mainly to chk if got probs ) Ok, I buy
:sweat: Asked them to gimme RealRewards pts as well

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