DigiCabi DB036 Dry Cabinet

Mine is Am-Pro, serve well for many years but lately it takes abt 2 days to get to 45% every time i opened the door for a few minutes.
I'm not sure whether this is normal so decided to look for a new one.

Some dry cabs use drying agent like silica gel, just that the electric unit heats up and drys the agent. If your dry cab uses this mechanism, it is only a matter of them before the drying agent ability starts degrading.
You can either get a new dry cab, or see if you can swap out the dehumidifying unit. You can search taobao for the unit.

Thanks for all the suggestions & opinions given, i have finally bought a 103L Akarui dry cabinet from Cathay Photo. I have chosen this over others simply because it looks nice to me. But i believe others are just as popular & reliable as well. BTW, there's no price difference for the brand DigiCabi whether from shops or from the local agent.
Setting up the Akarui is relatively easy. Set to M, the humidity inside the cabinet is down to about 30% in 2 days time & the red light on the unit is still ON.
I'll monitor it for a week. If it's still at 30% & below, i'll turn the knob closer to H, hopefully to bring up the humidity level a bit.

If u are on a say one month oversea assignment, u bring along your camera & lenses, & u only have time to shoot on weekends, how do u store the gears away from fungus (if there’s any possibility)?

If u are on a say one month oversea assignment, u bring along your camera & lenses, & u only have time to shoot on weekends, how do u store the gears away from fungus (if there’s any possibility)?
Define $overseas. For any country in the moderate climate zones no precautions are required. People living there don't even know what a dry cabinet is but their equipment lasts for decades.
Countries with tropical climate similar to Singapore will likely have some for of aircon in the rooms and people will use it. Put the cam on a shelf or in wardrobe (just don't leave it in the bag) and you are good.
Fungus takes weeks to develop, nothing that mushrooms up over night or in a week.

Yeah, like Octarine says, it depends. Look up the climate and RH when you'll be visiting.

First, bring a hygrometer so I can keep an eye on the RH.
Next, provison for some sorta air tight container/bag, maybe a heavy duty ziplock, etc.
Third, get one of these things, assuming you can't find something similar to thirsty hippo there. It's basically silica gel, but you plug it into a wall socket to dry it out after it absorbs moisture.


Thanks for the useful tips. I am referring to SEA countries. I leave the gears inside the hotel safe but the room air con will be off whenever i leave for work.
Hopefully it is alright.

Back in the hotel after work, I will bring out the gears & put them on the table & then turn on the air con.
Next morning, the gears will be back inside the safe b4 work.