[daredevil123] Collection of Wildlife shots

183. Scarlet Backed Flowerpecker (female) in flight

Nice shots of the Terns..u went so low to shoot handheld? I just put my tripod to the minimum height and shoot.

Nice shots of the Terns..u went so low to shoot handheld? I just put my tripod to the minimum height and shoot.

Still on a tripod bro. I am on a bowl with short handle with legs apread wide so i can go really low.

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Beautiful shots of the Terns! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

#173 is particularly beautiful.

Great birding shots bro!

Very nice little terns and SBFP(F) IF shots bro.....:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Thank you everyone! Been very busy with work lately.

Like the Female Scarlet-backed flowerpecker flight shot!

184. Brown Eared Bulbul in Korea autumn colors

185. Yellow-throated Bunting (female) in Korea.

186. A more abstract bird shot. Korean Magpie aka Oriental Magpie. Huge bird, can see them everywhere in Korea. So opted to share a different view instead...

Amazing shots as usual bro.

Just anyhow shoot bro. Recently not much time to bird, a lot times, miscue... de-proved.

#184 like abit soft hor. Aiya you shoot more then your imba shots will come again liao bro. Looking forward