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Feb 25, 2003
Jurong West
Long time din post liao...have been busy with work....here is 2 pic from last year shoot.



this gal......this gal...........

How to hold your cam so firm while looking at this gal ah? :p

pls stop passing comments about the model. thank you.

Pic 2, were you using wireless off shoe flash? If so, what is the setup?


The make-up is :thumbsd:

her eyes looks sad/tired to me.. makeup?.

my 2 pixels worth.

i think she has sleepy eyes....
some gals do have such eyes.. thus u must angle her correctly and prolly improve on her makeup... perhaps more eye liner?

but overall.. i like the mood of the photo...

I really like number 2... Very magazine page look :)
Were you using the Gary Fong Lumisphere?

make-up looks weird... the 2nd pic looks like a better exposed picture, but IMHO the flash slightly harsh. The first picture... metering on the model and not the sky right? SKy looks blown out... mmm~ just commenting on what i feel - still a beginner portrait taker :p

Hi ppl...thanks for the comment..do know that the makeup sucks...not a good makeup cos she do it on her own. i wanna save cost too..

as for the setup...two SB800 set on tripod put on wireless slave mode. Meter the sky and go down under around 1 stop. Test shoot and adjust light output.

hi kianteck,

2nd picture, the desaturation on the picture makes her "orangish red" lipstick stand out way too much.

the angle of shot doesn't work for me.

imho, i think her facial features doesn't work from these 2 angles (low and straight on)......

by shooting at a lower angle, it has caused her eyes to be smaller.... thus creating that "sleepy/bored" look.

i'd suggest u to approach from a more profiled angle.

erm...... can we not have such a glaring bikini colour? ;)

she will benefit from abit of wind and some sheer scarves.

jest my 0.2 cents ramblings :)


Actually I like her face! Different! So refreshing compared to the throes of almost similar smiling pretty faces! And a wonderful attitude to go along!

Agreed, I like her kick-ass look! Great for the goth look.

BTW second pic looked great! :thumbsup: ;)

kianteck, why never ask me to do makeup for you? *hai... :(

she looks tired because her eyebrows are being drawn sloping downwards and the colour of her eyeshadow has a different temperature from the rest of the makeup.

thanks for ur comments..points taken...agree on the lip color...will have to desaturate that part more. as for the bikini, that is the only one she bring along that day. As for the profile, i believe she still look better facing the camera though it may not be from the low angle. The makeup makes it worse by making the eyes smaller.

Hi Samantha
haha..sorry dear...trying to cut cost here since the model says she's able to do her own makeup...hahah....next time will call u up again...

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