Daocheng Yading ()

May I know which part of Oct last year please, thanks.

I was there last year in October to see the autumn leaves, it was a great time to go and it even snowed. For autumn leaves in Xinduqiao, it's only about a 2 weeks window. We joined the 10 days tour from China Express, and we were generally quite satisfied with the tour, however if you are seriously photographing you should take more time. I would recommend at least a full day in Xinduqiao for photography.
Parts of the roads at the Yajiang area are under repair, due to a major landslide, and I think the road works may not be complete yet. From Xinduqiao to Daocheng was almost a 14 hour drive with stops only for lunch and toilet. About 40% from our tour suffered from some form altitude sickness especially at the Daocheng and Yading areas.

My photos are at:

Can i ask whether is this China Express an agency in Malaysia ?


I just received emails from both current and ex - owner of SIMs Cozy that the western parts of SICHUAN - Yading inclusive, are closed to foreigners at the moment.. probably till end of April..

Those intending to visit Ya Ding around this period, do take notes.


but frankly I was quite disappointed with the 红草地, it was just a small patch and the actual colours aren't that red, I had to boost the colour contrast with ps.

Yep, saw your photos (very nice) and I know what you mean. I went in May and so, did not have a chance to see it. Then again, I had seen friends' photos in print and they were indeed pretty.

Sometimes it is not easy to catch the full richness of the fall colors, and also, it depends on the "lighting" as well.

Lighting is the key!!

ya, if arrive at destination at wrong time , esp with midday sun , the lighting will be too harsh...wasted the trip :(

Participate in the Chengdu local photography group are better than join our travel agencies package tours.
there photography tours will not take you go any shopping, also don't need to tip the tour guides and drivers.

You have to do is training of endurance and stay healthy, to prevent altitude sickness. Of course, the toilet and
the bathroom is the most primitive kind, the food is also very rough, urban people might not be able to adapt to.

Shooting the fall best is after 20 October. participated in there photography trip early October last year,
many leaves have not yet turned into autumn colour. 稻城,亚丁 (20110930-1012) - a set on Flickr

Enjoy and have a pleasant journey.:)

There are some travel agents in Singapore that customised photography trip to China. Besides bringing you to the best locations for photo shoots, they WON'T bring you to shop and there is no need to tip the driver and guide. Of course if you find the driver and guide to be good and you want to give extra tips, by all means. For some locations, they may be able to arrange for a local photographer to bring you to the best location at the correct time for shooting or to share photography knowledge. And so far, the food that I get during these trip have been very tasty and good even when we asked them to put less salt and cooking oil. But bear in mind, the cost of such trip will not come cheap. The reason I did not use China local tour is if something goes wrong, there is no recourse for me.

There are some travel agents in Singapore that customised photography trip to China. Besides bringing you to the best locations for photo shoots, they WON'T bring you to shop and there is no need to tip the driver and guide. Of course if you find the driver and guide to be good and you want to give extra tips, by all means. For some locations, they may be able to arrange for a local photographer to bring you to the best location at the correct time for shooting or to share photography knowledge. And so far, the food that I get during these trip have been very tasty and good even when we asked them to put less salt and cooking oil. But bear in mind, the cost of such trip will not come cheap. The reason I did not use China local tour is if something goes wrong, there is no recourse for me.


can u recommend some gd singapore tour agencies ?

Whether the agencies are good is very subjective. Anyway, I will PM you some of these agencies where they can do customised tours and you can experience for yourself if they are good or bad.