D90 Poison Club - TCSS Part I

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lolx.. actually I think it was sth good that zerocool took initiative to offer help seeing the tourist having a big headache with their camera. It also leaves Singapore some good impression.

everybody has their own opinion ba.. Their own mind and mouth so let them say lor. Its not wrong for them to voice what they are unhappy about. Ultimately, best is to meet face to face to say better. It shows the true color of the person.

so true,

Of course bro! There's always time to shoot! But problem is whether got bring camera out or not. Haha.

hahha good one, some time got cam with u but lazy to shoot,

Its already close to 100post within juz a short time frame.. I wonder tomorrow after my work what will exactly happen in here. More than 7 pages? :think::sweat:

30!!!! :nono: I will die from reading like that. There are also other stuff I wan to read and post.. at this kinda of rate.. I will never finish all in time =/

gd nite!:angel:

Walao, just gone for 6 hours and there are new threads liao. Futhermore 6 pages already you guys damn fast. My shooting was not very good thus my picture came out that certain part of the fireworks got cropped out. After that tried to take another time but then the smoke in the air did not do me a favour. And that was my last tried as I got to rush for soccer at 10. Will post the picture for comment tmr. Gd night!

Walao, just gone for 6 hours and there are new threads liao. Futhermore 6 pages already you guys damn fast. My shooting was not very good thus my picture came out that certain part of the fireworks got cropped out. After that tried to take another time but then the smoke in the air did not do me a favour. And that was my last tried as I got to rush for soccer at 10. Will post the picture for comment tmr. Gd night!
I think these folks were happy to go on and on and on in the D90 thread :)
But mod stepped in and all obediently moved across :)

Active man! Good for you! Hope you had a good game last night.

Walao, just gone for 6 hours and there are new threads liao. Futhermore 6 pages already you guys damn fast. My shooting was not very good thus my picture came out that certain part of the fireworks got cropped out. After that tried to take another time but then the smoke in the air did not do me a favour. And that was my last tried as I got to rush for soccer at 10. Will post the picture for comment tmr. Gd night!

hope to see some pic soon :D

50mm f1/.8. Got buyer this Fri appointment with him already.

Ehh... my 50mm/1.8 was sold last year...

I am only selling my 35mm/1.8 la. Listed it last week, then buyer flake here flake there. So end up I went to China without selling it. Now just re-listed. Meeting the same buyer on Friday.

If you all want, better let me know hor. Or else let go liao.... To be fair I did offer to you all first.

Hi Guys, my first try at fireworks. Please advise how I can improve.


Due to time constrain/ the smoke in the air I got no 2nd try. Is it overly exposed?

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Hi Guys, my first try at fireworks. Please advise how I can improve.


Due to time constrain/ the smoke in the air I got no 2nd try. Is it overly exposed?

One question, how many seconds did each exposure take? It should be roughly 2 to 3 seconds... But given that there are spotlights in the scene, the exposure should be even shorter... maybe 1 to 2 seconds...

One question, how many seconds did each exposure take? It should be roughly 2 to 3 seconds... But given that there are spotlights in the scene, the exposure should be even shorter... maybe 1 to 2 seconds...

Yup around 2 to 3 secs and this is the only shot that I had taken with exposure. The second one i deleted because of the smoke and by then the fireworks stopped. This picture was taken at the first fireworks display, the second I did not take because I was in a rush.

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Wah so many pro around here.

so clever.


yawn yawn yawn....

Sorry dude, I'm sure we got carried away with our nonsensical comments. We are definitely not pros. I take my silly comments back okay? ;)

i am not aware that brand segregation had reached such an advanced stage.

you don't need to start so many empires everywhere, suggest that you just concentrate on photography, chat with people just to make friends, instead of getting them to kowtow to you - then you will realise that life is a lot easier.

have a nice day.

I think the thread title has been misconstrued, ill-conceived due to a rushed manner to transfer the "kopitiam" conversations in the D90 group over to here. So please forgive skylover - he didn't mean it in any harmful way. But given that we're trying to make best of our equipment as well as poisoning ourselves silly, it maybe better to warn unwary visitors of what's going on in here first instead of jumping into something unexpected...

I was joking when I posted my anti-Canon message, no offence to Canon users. Partly due to the over-enthusiastic feeling overwhelming the ability to sound sensible.

So... hope you know what is transpiring in here finally. Maybe its a bad idea to you, but for us - when we had no choice but to move the conversations over here - this is the only option we had. Nope, I don't think we'll be unfriendly with any other DSLR users, or alienate ourselves from the community. No Elitist behaviour or whatsoever (Heck...it's only a D90 .... not D3!). AND you and Leong23 are free to drop in to correct our mistakes when you wish, since both of you are more pro than us by 100 times more.

Peace lad. And be patient with our version of nonsense, however misconstrued that it maybe.

D90 poison clubers, at ease and carrying on with your wacked up sense of humor!! :bsmilie:

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Hi Guys, my first try at fireworks. Please advise how I can improve.


Due to time constrain/ the smoke in the air I got no 2nd try. Is it overly exposed?

Nice attempt. I would want to try taking fireworks too. Seems like a very different experience

Yup around 2 to 3 secs and this is the only shot that I had taken with exposure. The second one i deleted because of the smoke and by then the fireworks stopped. This picture was taken at the first fireworks display, the second I did not take because I was in a rush.

LOL as with first attempts there is always that rush to mess up things. You'll get better! :thumbsup:

Hi Guys, my first try at fireworks. Please advise how I can improve.


Due to time constrain/ the smoke in the air I got no 2nd try. Is it overly exposed?
Your view looks very WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE leh.... what lens you using?
Somehow I don't think it's 18-105... :)

Quite dramatic! Lots of fireworks in one image... :thumbsup:
I do feel that it's a tad overexposed though...

Hi Guys, my first try at fireworks. Please advise how I can improve.


Due to time constrain/ the smoke in the air I got no 2nd try. Is it overly exposed?

I don't think this was taken with 18-105, I don't think I can achieve this angle of wideness. Cannot be panorama shot also, cause this is fireworks!

But OGL, it is a bit over-exposed. And I don't know if anyone noticed, the horizon is tilted. But to me, quite nice for a 1st attempt. maybe I should have rushed down last night.......:think:

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