D70 - dead pixels or dusts?

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New Member
May 24, 2004
Jurong West
took a photo of a white wall, and spotted quite a few black marks.


then I took a picture of a white paper - most of the marks, especially those in thicker circles, still appear (so it is not my wall).

can all you experts help to see whether these are dead pixels or dusts? I cleansed the len before and after spotting the marks. Or could they be dust on the CCD?

My sense is that these are dead pixels. What's the "acceptable" number of dead pixels for such a camera? I hope I can exchange for a new one, if these are indeed deal pixels. Will go back to Harvey Norman tomorrow - they said I can exchange it within 7 days (I hope this cover dead pixels).

- tk

Did you use the smallest aperture before shooting? Can crop out the dots at 100% zoom?

Looks like dust to me.

tkkoh said:
Thanks. Here is one crop-out dot:

The cropped image shows a dust bunny.

Do the test for hot/deadpixels in the link provided by a previous poster. If the test comes out ok, then either send the camera for CCD cleaning or do it yourself following the link below:

Detailed CCD Cleaning Instructions

I had the same problem some time back:


After following the cleaning instructions:


It's perfectly safe. :cool: So long as you do not have "chew kana kah" - (Hokkien for "Hands like feet"). In the past 3 months I've had to clean the CCD 3 times when the bulb-air-blower could not do the trick.

BTW, watch out when you do this check when photographing white paper. Some times the black dots are actually tiny dots on the paper.

wow... where d'you keep your camera man? under your bed? :bsmilie:

espn said:
Dust dude, it's dust :)

yep, false alarm... it is dust. never thought that there will be dust just after 2 days in non-field enviroment.

anyway, many thanks to all for taking time to look thru and help... now I will need to go clean CCD.

- tk

tkkoh said:
yep, false alarm... it is dust. never thought that there will be dust just after 2 days in non-field enviroment.

anyway, many thanks to all for taking time to look thru and help... now I will need to go clean CCD.

- tk

FYI, dust is everywhere, so don't be too worried if dust gets into the lens, onto the sensor etc.

Hi guys

Wondering how do u test a hot pixel on the LCD Screen? I got a D70 y'day and tried to take a pic of total blackness (using both the lens cap on method as well as focusing on a total black background) but the camera didn't take a shot. Seems that D70 can't take totally black pics.

I went outdoors with my new camera and found a "always white" pixel on the LCD Screen. I managed to take a picture which turn out very very dark. That's when the white dot shows itself v clearly.

Anyone has any suggestion on how I can "trick" the camera into taking a total black picture?


anthony.phua said:
Wondering how do u test a hot pixel on the LCD Screen? I got a D70 y'day and tried to take a pic of total blackness (using both the lens cap on method as well as focusing on a total black background) but the camera didn't take a shot. Seems that D70 can't take totally black pics.
Dude, there's nothing to focus on in total darkness, thus it won't release the shutter in AF-S/C mode, turn the knob to M mode to override the auto mode.

anthony.phua said:
I went outdoors with my new camera and found a "always white" pixel on the LCD Screen. I managed to take a picture which turn out very very dark. That's when the white dot shows itself v clearly.
Always at the same place? If so, it might be a dead pixel.

anthony.phua said:
Anyone has any suggestion on how I can "trick" the camera into taking a total black picture?
Read my first reply :) hope it helps, if it fails, drop down to Nikon Council, many of us Nikon users there will be able to help you test & diagnose the pixel thingie. Some of us do bring notebooks there :)

this is cool, i got dust too but clear on the dead pixels, thanks for providing the links there....newbie here and learning more each day.... :D

Yes, CP has it, alternatively it only costs SGD$25 @ Nikon Service centre to clean the CCD for you, hassle free and safe.

retrok said:
CP should have it.

Thanks Retrok and ESPN :)

Will send to nikon to clean first, hope it will be ok :(
But their service center only opens during weekday office hours, so very inconvenient...

espn said:
Yes, CP has it, alternatively it only costs SGD$25 @ Nikon Service centre to clean the CCD for you, hassle free and safe.

If it is still under warranty, it is free right?

ark19 said:
does anybody know where we can purchase SensorSwipe, pecpads and Eclipse cleaning solution locally?


Thanks :)

Hi All,
visited Nikon Service center today.
CCD was cleaned within 15mins :)


ark19 said:
Hi All,
visited Nikon Service center today.
CCD was cleaned within 15mins :)


Good to hear. I've been meaning to get mine clean this month too. Usually, I'd wait till the spots show up at f/16. :)

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