D50 image sharpness? any fullsize sample images to look at

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New Member
Sep 18, 2006
hi all

as you might recall from my previous posts...I'm concerned abt the lack of sharpness in my D50. Earlier was using kit lens, but now upgraded to 18-200 and still don't like the sharpness when I'm viewing the images on my 19" monitor. No, there's nothing wrong with the monitor or my glasses!!! (which have Nikon lens btw :))

I've tried the various in-camera sharpness settings but I always seem to have to use PS Unsharp Mask to achieve good sharp images.

Am I expecting too much from the D50? Or is PS sharpening that has to be done for all images anyway?

Does anyone have links to any full size images taken with D50 that have not been sharpened?

I'd like to be able to compare (even roughly) to see that my equipment is not faulty!

many thanks as always


maybe the best solution is for u to show us ur images and we will see if it is indeed not sharp.

one of the manner u can try to achieve better sharpness is to shoot at perhaps f8, f9, f10 instead of wide open at f3.5 or f5.6.

try this and tell us ur results.

by right the kit lens is sharp..... i have the D50 kit lens and the D40 kit lens and both are of good optical quality.


This red betta is taken with the D50 and its kit lens, without any photoshop at all. Straight fresh hot hot from the camera.


This is another photo, also straight fresh.

hi all

as you might recall from my previous posts...I'm concerned abt the lack of sharpness in my D50. Earlier was using kit lens, but now upgraded to 18-200 and still don't like the sharpness when I'm viewing the images on my 19" monitor. No, there's nothing wrong with the monitor or my glasses!!! (which have Nikon lens btw :))

I've tried the various in-camera sharpness settings but I always seem to have to use PS Unsharp Mask to achieve good sharp images.

Am I expecting too much from the D50? Or is PS sharpening that has to be done for all images anyway?

Does anyone have links to any full size images taken with D50 that have not been sharpened?

I'd like to be able to compare (even roughly) to see that my equipment is not faulty!

many thanks as always


You must be viewing at 100% right? Do you have any idea how big the magnification actually is when you're viewing at 100%? It's equivalent to viewing a 30"x20" print, even the best lens would not look very sharp. ;p

Have you tried mounting it on a tripod to shoot? maybe with a cable release or an IR controller to further minimise shake. If its still not sharp, stop down the aperture. if it is STILL not sharp, then 1) your lens is broke 2) it is a lousy lens :bsmilie:

Oh, and I forgot one more, maybe need to recalibrate the AF? :dunno:

If tripod mounting yields sharp results, then the PLBV... you need to work on your shooting and handholding techniques.

rarely post full size images, but this is one that i posted recently... shot with 80-200. ;p
processed with Capture NX, and then run thru noise ninja (my NX noise reduction is set very low)

One place you can see full size images by the D50 is the excellent Steve's Digicams site. Link to the D50 page here.


ISO 400 f/8 1/40sec

Post processed in lightroom for noise reduction and exposure compensation. Taken in RAW, saved in level 75 JPEG before being resized by imageshack

those images of the fish look quite sharp (esp the first one). Do you remember your incamera settings for Tone and Sharpness?

At the moment I'm experimenting with Tone - Normal (rather than Auto), and Sharpness at Med High (rather than Auto)


hi all

as you might recall from my previous posts...I'm concerned abt the lack of sharpness in my D50. Earlier was using kit lens, but now upgraded to 18-200 and still don't like the sharpness when I'm viewing the images on my 19" monitor. No, there's nothing wrong with the monitor or my glasses!!! (which have Nikon lens btw :))

I've tried the various in-camera sharpness settings but I always seem to have to use PS Unsharp Mask to achieve good sharp images.

Am I expecting too much from the D50? Or is PS sharpening that has to be done for all images anyway?

Does anyone have links to any full size images taken with D50 that have not been sharpened?

I'd like to be able to compare (even roughly) to see that my equipment is not faulty!

many thanks as always


have you tried ?


Wow, seems like a really large database man.

Wow, and the name of the website...hahaha.

I think it just searches flickr for full sized images and put up an index.

<< I think it just searches flickr for full sized images and put up an index. >>

ya .. as long as it get the job done

those images of the fish look quite sharp (esp the first one). Do you remember your incamera settings for Tone and Sharpness?

At the moment I'm experimenting with Tone - Normal (rather than Auto), and Sharpness at Med High (rather than Auto)


The first fish is shot at 1/500s and f/11. The in-camera sharpening i always set to high, while the tone i use normal.

I highly encourage you to try out f/8, f/9, f/10, f/11 and set the in-camera sharpness to high.... then tell us the results :)

by right the tone shouldnt have any effect on sharpness at all...

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