Cufflinks Shoot - Please read the requirements

Different strokes for different folks.
While it is not economically viable for you, let's hope that it is good enough for the photographer that the TS found, up to mark or not.

I think maybe I really have zero knowledge on product photography.
Let me go re-read those (estimated) 229 or so photography books to get more insights.
I hope to find out how they did it the last time without Photoshop.

BTW, how much do you think each shot is to be charged or is it POA ?

For the 2nd last question, if I really wanted to, I would have.
For the last question, it doesn't apply to me.
last time without photoshop, one simply product shot on white background is $80.00 per shot. shot in medium format with 120 trans. if asking for large format, $150 per shot, give two sheets of 4x5 trans.

any retouching needed is taken care by design house or agency, photographers are just doing the shoot only.

now you know why there are so many photographers?
cos everyone one owns a DSLR and couple of lenses, buy a copy of photoshop with a student licence, call themself professionals.

Ideally, yeah. So far, still no one answer how much to charge but already got someone take up the offer.

Is is just like buying HDB, 30-years loan, no problem. It is as perfect as that.

Since this had been moved to Photo Biz section and for the benefit of prople who may be checking out the "Market Rate",

For a job like this I would usually quote my clients base on per day rate. I est. it would take 2 1/2 days to shoot @ $1,800/day with local release and web advertising, only by the client and not to be release to any other party.

It would be good if other photographers can give their est. also, can help the newbies and clients better understand the "Market Rate".

For someone who doesn't know better, a rate is not going to make much sense as he/she doesn't know what that particular rate entails. At times, per-day rates work better. Other times, some will prefer a per-photo rate (I work on that). Then there's lump sum, etc.

For someone just starting out, $1,800 a day may sound daunting.

catchlights said:
now you know why there are so many photographers?
cos everyone one owns a DSLR and couple of lenses, buy a copy of photoshop with a student licence, call themself professionals.

I understand that you all are doing as a volunteer for CS. I am not sure whether it will be possible to charge some rate to those want to bid for job posted here. Then use those income and advertise widely in Singapore . So it will make CS more creditable site . Then more job with reasonable rate will be advertised here. It might be win win for all..
Not sure will it work..

kklee said:
I won't be able to answer you because I see the request not based on cost.

For discussion purposes, let's say each shot one charges $1.99, for 140 shots, that will be about $278.60.
And let's say, the service just need a day, over 52 weeks of 5 days work week, one will make about $72,436 p.a.

In your opinion, if it is not $2, how much should be charged per shot ?

I would quit being a photographer and start a cuff link shop. Can get 260 cuff link shots a year, business must be booming so I better get in while it's still hot. Can always go back to $2/shot later on. :bsmilie:

I would quit being a photographer and start a cuff link shop. Can get 260 cuff link shots a year, business must be booming so I better get in while it's still hot. Can always go back to $2/shot later on. :bsmilie:

I think you can make more money selling chicken rice :bsmilie:

I wanted to put "No" but the forum software don't accept it. Maybe the "Nope" is confusing. Nevertheless, I don't know how to answer this question.

Just wondering, coz you seen very much emotionally invested and defensive in this thread, 17 posts from you so far.

Nonethelessly the thread has good info exchanged out of the discussion.

May be he is thinking that his way of doing things are right and all others are wrong.. So defense and defense .....
If all others think you are not rite, he should think carefully rather than defense...
What to do ...

I understand that you all are doing as a volunteer for CS. I am not sure whether it will be possible to charge some rate to those want to bid for job posted here. Then use those income and advertise widely in Singapore . So it will make CS more creditable site . Then more job with reasonable rate will be advertised here. It might be win win for all..
Not sure will it work..
impose a charge for service requester for posting a service request thread, but this will not stop them for seeking free services, can we delete their threads and still keeping the money? lol
service requesters might even ask photographers to offer more freebies before give them the assignments.
If our photographers going around offer free/cheap services, it will only attract customers/clients interested on free/cheap services, serious photographers will not able to find enough paying assignments to sustain their business will have to go somewhere else, the situation here will not get any better unless really we want to do something about it. (WE, as in all photographers)

take a look at our advertisers, if the photography service directory is a paid subscription section, it will have some different impacts, #1, we will have lesser photographers in the directory, and every photographers will get more exposure.
#2, the photographers will gain reputation, and respects over the time.
#3, photographers will take their business more seriously, no longer offering cut throat pricing killing each other.
#4, all members help to look out for illegal advertisers to protect the interests of everyone.

we all know and experience this many times, "when a thing/service is free of charge, nobody take it seriously"
so think about it, can we photographers be self-regulate, or have paid subscription section to help us?

Thanks for your reply..

It is almost impossible to regulate all.. See the typical sample now... This kk still think he is correct.. Even all ppl tell him , explain him, educate him also no use..

If you can't change the situation , u must force them to change. Fair or not fair let ppl to decide . Typical example ERP , COE..

If we continue current practice , there will be more typical cases will occur again again.. Then we better don't waste time here to complain and complain ..

I've never been a believer that regulating is the only way out to solve problems. You think ERP and COE are working?

How much would you like to charge the advertisers? $50 per ad? Remember, these people are looking for photographers who are willing to take $2 per photo. I bet there would still be takers even if he offered $1 per photo. The $50 could have easily passed on to these lost sheeps.

We cannot stop these people but photographers can say NO. Unfortunately, photographers are not doing that enough. Its just like eating shark's fin and buying rhino horns. If nobody buy them, you think those selling them will still be in business?

and quite frankly, time will be better spent educating photographers rather than cheapskates seeking services. Its always easier to talk someone out of being taken advantage of than someone taking advatage of other people.

Just wondering, coz you seen very much emotionally invested and defensive in this thread, 17 posts from you so far.

Nonethelessly the thread has good info exchanged out of the discussion.

Don't wonder over it, I am the least bit emotional and defensive. If you read the other posts in here, some are more emotionally charged.
I am forever in the re-learning process to not use collective words like "We" or "All" as I am best able to represent myself only and not speak on others behalf.

If you re-read my post, I feel the TS has the right to seek his service level and price. I would think if he really wants comments about the price, he would have ask for it.

While $ allows one to do things, things looks different without the $ component.

I've never been a believer that regulating is the only way out to solve problems. You think ERP and COE are working?

How much would you like to charge the advertisers? $50 per ad? Remember, these people are looking for photographers who are willing to take $2 per photo. I bet there would still be takers even if he offered $1 per photo. The $50 could have easily passed on to these lost sheeps.

We cannot stop these people but photographers can say NO. Unfortunately, photographers are not doing that enough. Its just like eating shark's fin and buying rhino horns. If nobody buy them, you think those selling them will still be in business?

1) You can have your own belief. Doesn't really matter if COE or ERP works or not, you are not in the position to do anything about it anyway. White paper is the trend now, perhaps you can get a domain name and write one.
2) I could be wrong, IIRC, the thread needs to be approved. You can probably suggest not to approve these threads.
3) You don't represent ALL the photographers because there seem to be ONE who said YES. There are still people eating shark's fin and buying rhino horns, it is like B&S, willing buyer, willing seller.

Thanks for your reply..

It is almost impossible to regulate all.. See the typical sample now... This kk still think he is correct.. Even all ppl tell him , explain him, educate him also no use..

If you can't change the situation , u must force them to change. Fair or not fair let ppl to decide . Typical example ERP , COE..

If we continue current practice , there will be more typical cases will occur again again.. Then we better don't waste time here to complain and complain ..

Correct about what ?

I would quit being a photographer and start a cuff link shop. Can get 260 cuff link shots a year, business must be booming so I better get in while it's still hot. Can always go back to $2/shot later on. :bsmilie:

Yesterday at IMM and I saw the D3200. Maybe I can buy that and then take up this assignment, it can help offset the camera cost.
Perhaps I will tell the TS that I am just a GWC. Oops..this assignment has been taken.

now you know why there are so many photographers?
cos everyone one owns a DSLR and couple of lenses, buy a copy of photoshop with a student licence, call themself professionals.

photography : the art or process of producing images by the action of radiant energy and especially light on a sensitive surface (as film or an optical sensor)
photographer : one who practices photography; especially : one who makes a business of taking photographs

You maybe right if it is your own view. The few I know that have DSLRs, lenses and maybe PS, are professionals in medical, academic and management.