CS bicycles and cyclist thread II

wow, this thread still around? anyway, here's my new bike. $11896181_10153571828874771_4324792121014653095_n.jpg$11782392_10153490594844771_2408444132310353812_o.jpg

total number of bikes i have now : 4

wow, this thread still around? anyway, here's my new bike.

total number of bikes i have now : 4

Where do you ride? East/West?

It either Joyriders towards East for me or a West loop with friends.
Bike down to 1. (excluding the commute, foldie and market bikes)

Creative Labs soundblaster Free. it's a bluetooth speaker , can put microsd card too.


Cool! So you can listen to music while you ride!
I was enjoying riding behind someone last weekend, he had disco music coming from his jersey pocket.
I wanted to dance behind him while riding.

Anyway, here's a photo from my commute this morning

I live in Perth and work in Fremantle, so there are many scenic routes and detours to get to work :)

That's A very nice place and weather to cycle.

That's A very nice place and weather to cycle.

Yes! I feel very happy to be able to cycle to work, nice cool mornings, not humid, cycle paths, beautiful scenery, sometimes good tailwind.
Gives me something to look to when going to work every day. :cool:

Okay bros can't make a promise but this weekend I will try and get into the city to shoot some pictures...the Superbowl of BMX.the Grand Nationals is held every year here in Tulsa


I hear there is an eleven year old girl from New Mexico that is supposed to be the cat's meow.

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Beautiful weekend for a ride.
$leighton beach 1 small.jpg
and that brings it to 436km since Monday he he.