Corin : Studio

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New Member
Nov 30, 2002
Shot taken early last year
The Blue eye Model : CORIN
Post process with LR + PS CS3


I think we were at the same session.

#1, #2 and #4 are awesome. I like your PP, very different. What filters did you use?:)

I think we were at the same session.

#1, #2 and #4 are awesome. I like your PP, very different. What filters did you use?:)
Thanks James,

The Filter, i used only one Plug-in which is Portraiture but nothing to do with Color,Toning
Portraiture is to smooth out the skin (not Skin Tone) but I didn't like the effect or may be I over done the smoothing because I give it a try for the first time.

after viewing this on my UNCALIbratied monitor at office ,the color looks very BAD :confused:
I need to cal my Office monitor :bsmilie:

PP Flow is short ,
Load with LR, selection, Quick Catalogue,Light/Color , PAss to PS , apply Filter, Pass to LR adjust Light/Color Toning and Export from Quick collection.

Interesting. You're using high-key smoothening for portraiture? Personally, I seldom use the high key or glamour mode and instead use a custom curve. And later sharpen it slightly to achieve a faux skin texture.

I've seen similar ideas on POTN, they've some rather neat post processing sometimes.

Unfortunately, I definitely disagree with Wildstallion.

Her hair looks dry like a haystack

Way way way too much high pass filter/clarity (cant tell which), its ruined otherwise good images, they just look really bad and crap now. The effect is completely overdone.

it was on Clarity and Fill Light.
I think the first on is the worst, thanks for pointing out.

Interesting. You're using high-key smoothening for portraiture? Personally, I seldom use the high key or glamour mode and instead use a custom curve. And later sharpen it slightly to achieve a faux skin texture.

I've seen similar ideas on POTN, they've some rather neat post processing sometimes.

Unfortunately, I definitely disagree with Wildstallion.

still got quite a few more , I will try different method to achieve the target output, thanks for sharing.:)

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