COP-Circle Of Photog. Season 4 TCSS

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Nv imagine myself doing that right in the heart of Orchard Road. Haha! :bsmilie:


wah.. sounds fun! argh. need to do BBB soon!

must show photos ah!! :gbounce:

from a wedding tonite..


aiyo.. just share whatever u have lor...

All the strobing photos with Jimmy fren. Cos using ST-E2 then all the tripod use for flashlights liao - somemore dbling up as human lightstands. Lol... :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

All the strobing photos with Jimmy fren. Cos using ST-E2 then all the tripod use for flashlights liao - somemore dbling up as human lightstands. Lol... :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

ask jimmy frind post lor

pls wait hor....samson just came out from shower nia...:bsmilie:

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