Convert Canon 350D to IR


Apr 8, 2010
Hi all,

I would like to know if it is possible to convert a Canon 350D to a IR camera?

Thank you.

Hi all,

I would like to know if it is possible to convert a Canon 350D to a IR camera?

Thank you.

You can either get someone experienced to do it or diy but you may render your camera useless if you
are inexperienced.Normally people use a camera that they are about to scrap because it being old.
If you are willing to risk it then read and watch carefully what it really means when you mod to infrared.Basically you remove the infrared cut filter (blue glass)and that means the image sensor now
not only recieves visable light but also the unseen infrared spectrum.It is now called a full spectrum sensor.People who do astrophotography use dedicated infrared filters for certain type of stars but for general IR photography no alternate IR filter is used just the naked image sensor.You can also not remove the original IR cut filter and use a IR filter like Hoya R72, not cheap and get the right filter size to fit your lens but the exposure will be long and you need a tripod, because of long exposure there will be noise issue in your image.So a practical advantage is removing IR cut filter and make it a dedicated IR camera and shutter speeds will be handholdable.Apart from the mod you have to adjust white balance and focusing distance because IR wavelength is different than visible light.In old manual lenses there is a IR focus scale which is not present in digital lenses.Read web articles or books about IR photography. :)

Thank you for the information....I will read about it in the website given.