Concert conditions tomorrow, film issues!

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Originally posted by mervlam

Somehow, it give that kind of "soft effect". Not bad for a consumer film, I think.

Imagine using Kodak's consumer 1600 (if it exist), with the MAX 400 so grainy already. :devil:

not soft but fuzzy like some PS filter ;p lol
I think kodak's max1600 wd be like a pointillist painting!

Originally posted by denizenx

not soft but fuzzy like some PS filter ;p lol
I think kodak's max1600 wd be like a pointillist painting!


Seriously, for me, Superia 1600 is not bad already.

Originally posted by Tweek
thanks rayman! yah want to do prints just for tryout sake. I'm still in the infancy stage of everything, so just want to try out everything I can possibly do.

wah, handholding at 200mm with 1/60s, maybe I cannot make it leh. :D Anyway I also want to try out 800 and 1600 film so doesn't matter.

should I be using partial metering more often? I should partial meter on Kelly's face rather than to use evaluative metering right?

btw mervlam, thanks for your reply too!

Hey Tweek,

Guess what? I also thought I could not hold my camera steady at first, that's why I lugged my mono throughout most of the concert. But with some encouragement from the photog I spoke to, I realised it can be done. Give it a try and you may well be surprised yourself! :thumbsup:

What I practise is to ALWAYS ALWAYS go for spot metering on the main lead. Not sure if 'spot metering' in Nikonian terms is 'partial metering' in Canonian terms. But you get my drift, I'm sure ;) I usually meter off the lead's face wherever possible.

Red Dawn mentioned it's not possible to catch the dancers at 1/60 or so. What I did was to wait for them to pause slightly and fire away. 1/60 is more than enough time to freeze their motion. Or at least that's based on my experience. Alternatively you can try to pan on the performers. Which is something I have yet to try. Hmmm... Maybe next concert... :)

i've shot Press 800 at a Robbie Williams concert before, one processed normally, one pushed to 1600. since flashes were a strict "no-no", had to shoot at f/2.8 wide open. both came out alright actually, and i couldn't really tell the difference between the normal one and the one pushed one stop. spot-metered on Robbie's face, but the flashing color strobe lights played havoc with the backlighting...

oh forgot to mention, this wasn't as part of the audience. i was shooting from the front of the stage with the rest of the press photogs (no i'm not a press photog, i pulled strings to get in... ;)), under the "3-songs-only" rule.

hope that helps, although i think the Kelly Chen concert is over already if that's the one you shooting at.

Originally posted by Larry
i've shot Press 800 at a Robbie Williams concert before, one processed normally, one pushed to 1600. since flashes were a strict "no-no", had to shoot at f/2.8 wide open. both came out alright actually, and i couldn't really tell the difference between the normal one and the one pushed one stop.
Larry, did you actually blow up one photos from both rolls to further compare how much difference are there?:dunno:

Originally posted by Bean
Larry, did you actually blow up one photos from both rolls to further compare how much difference are there?:dunno:
oh no, good point there. mabbe i should dig them up and blow them up...

nice to see concert pics

don't think I'd ever dare go against the "no photography, no recording" rule:)

Originally posted by Juvelyn
nice to see concert pics

don't think I'd ever dare go against the "no photography, no recording" rule:)

The Kelly Chan's event is meant to be a photography session.... cameras are actually welcome!!!

Hey Tweek,

Surprised you didn't go for any ASA400 film. Definitely worth a try. Grains of ASA800 and beyond will stand out like a dog's balls if you blow up to 8R or so, I'm quite sure.

Maybe you would like to venture into the 400 region for your next concert shoot?? :)

sure! worth a try, provided I can get speeds for which I can still handhold. My arms tremble easily....:D :(

I still dunno how to use a monopod... besides Jed's method...
the left right shake is still there leh

Originally posted by denizenx
I still dunno how to use a monopod... besides Jed's method...
the left right shake is still there leh
well like what Jed says in his article, a monopod is still no substitute for a tripod, but in cramped circumstances and for long sessions of hand-holding, a monopod is a godsend... imagine how much shaking your left hand would have if you handhold a 200mm f/2.8 for half an hour without support...

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