Colour settings of S3pro

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Staff member
Dec 18, 2003
really MORE diaper changes
had a chance to play ard with the S3pro recently. a little curious abt the colour settings. hope the S3 users can help me out? :embrass:

i was doing some test pics using the F1 and F2 film modes. according to the literature i read online, F1 is suppose to simulate Astia film (portraits) while F2 is Velvia (landscapes). but, when i took some test pics, i found dat the F1 setting for portraits produces jpgs which are a little muted in colours (all things being equalled and i got the exposure right). i had to tweak the colour sat in PS to get the colours a little brighter for printing.

then i tried out Std film simulation, with Std colour and Std tone, and then switched to High/High/Hard settings. the Std settings is a little better than F1, High settings is a little too saturated for my tastes. still, nothing much to shout abt IMO, esp since fuji sensors are reputed for their punchy jpgs.

am i doing something wrong with the settings, or is this normal? :dunno:

(no... i dun mean to, nor wish to incite some flamewar, even tho i am a nikon user. this is an honest question.)

where your portraits shot outdoors or indoors...and how wide did u shoot...

I'll have to check my S3 before I can reply you. Get back to you this evening... leaving home for work now. ;)

Azure said:
I'll have to check my S3 before I can reply you. Get back to you this evening... leaving home for work now. ;)

thanks, azure! ur help is greatly appreciated. :) happened to me when i was shooting portraits outdoors...hahaha....the tones were muted...but it suited wat i wanted for that's y i didnt bother ahahha..

buten didnt happen when i was shooting indoors ...

act it doesnt say anything about the two film simulation modes
but a good read nonetheless...


quite honestly, and shamefully, i have NEVER used the film modes ahahahah..

and my setting are all off, tone colour and sharpening. ;p

u can tell i'm a hard core PSer.. leave nothing to the camera. :bsmilie:

actually...joho...u should try out the sharpening of the s3pro...and the tones...

i set everything to std....and get great results when shooting...... in processing on the tones or sharpening is required.... i ever printed a3s straight from cam...using juz the camera settings...and the images were nice and sharp...

tink the beauty of the s3 is to get great out of cam results....

Witness said:
actually...joho...u should try out the sharpening of the s3pro...and the tones...

i set everything to std....and get great results when shooting...... in processing on the tones or sharpening is required.... i ever printed a3s straight from cam...using juz the camera settings...and the images were nice and sharp...

tink the beauty of the s3 is to get great out of cam results....
yeah.. when i dun wanna process i do that.. like for unpaid shots, or shots of friends fooling around or generally unimportant shots..

u're right they do turn out well. maybe i need to revisit all these settings again, it'll be nice to cut out all the PSing if possible.

then again it's now my second body, most of my images still come from the nikon. :)

thanx bro~

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