ClubSnap XPERT11 Season 3 Thread 1. JAVAStars will spank u all!

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Looks like Melvin jie jie is Cheesecake's No.1 fan:bsmilie:

Comfirm leh, cause JAV give Melvin special rates when he visits his gals. :bsmilie:

Comfirm leh, cause JAV give Melvin special rates when he visits his gals. :bsmilie:

Where got special rates? Dun have la.... only buy 1 for the price of 2...:embrass:


good thing ur boss appreciate gals not like some who prefer guys. :bsmilie:

My boss is Du Sheng and Gao Jing always surrounded by gals lei.......

royale flushers out to confuse us all...

Alamak all read press release read liao forget... Gao Jing got the job becos Du Sheng ask him to join in!:bsmilie:

good biz blain mah!!! hehehehe

can supply AV Gals to his casino mah! more glam! :bsmilie:

Comfirm got AV girls more glam leh, too bad he dont need my boys for Tiger Show. :bsmilie:

Comfirm got AV girls more glam leh, too bad he dont need my boys for Tiger Show. :bsmilie:

can also come and perform... free membership for our casino just like JAV!:bsmilie:

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