ClubSNAP Teenage Photographers

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me 4 year camera.....still using colour pencils to draw.......:cry:

oh we go again * headache started up again*

Hello unker Sammy.

Why do yu haf a headache?

Man, yu shauld do wat my brother does - he swears by it! But kip dis between us OK?

Steal sum of yr girlfriend's woman thangs and soak it in water and FREEZE them! My bro sayz it soaks up water like a sponge, so I guess dats goot coz yu wanna get as much water in as yu can so the effek lasts and lasts.

And when ever yu get a headache, just take wan and slap it on yaw head dude!


me 4 year camera.....still using colour pencils to draw.......:cry:

Hello little Leong.

Yu wanna sum of my lil sisters crayons?

My mother sdays it's bad for her cos she keep on trying to stick it in her nose, but I'll be sure to wash them real good with boiling water when Mom's nawt home ok?

Hello unker Sammy.

Why do yu haf a headache?

Man, yu shauld do wat my brother does - he swears by it! But kip dis between us OK?

Steal sum of yr girlfriend's woman thangs and soak it in water and FREEZE them! My bro sayz it soaks up water like a sponge, so I guess dats goot coz yu wanna get as much water in as yu can so the effek lasts and lasts.

And when ever yu get a headache, just take wan and slap it on yaw head dude!


Realli meh?? I always see the adverts hor, they always use blue water one leh.... must buy more blue ice isit??


That's nice! I can use it to secretli film my sister's friends when they come over! YEAH DUDE! YU RAWK! :cool:

But does it have 16MP and 1,2000 fps video like Casio does?


i will be very very nice to you

just FOR YOU

i will throw in a very nice program called photoshop elements 2

which can make 16mgp pictures.. :) :) :)

i will be very very nice to you

just FOR YOU

i will throw in a very nice program called photoshop elements 2

which can make 16mgp pictures.. :) :) :)

Elements 2 good meh??

I tot got wat CS4 liao... wait a minute, is tat Counterstrike 4? :think:

i will be very very nice to you

just FOR YOU

i will throw in a very nice program called photoshop elements 2

which can make 16mgp pictures.. :) :) :)


OK, tksnks dude!


Err ... but wats potoslop eleman 2?

Does it make the video take X-Ray clips! Man, yu should see sum of my sister's friends ...

Realli meh?? I always see the adverts hor, they always use blue water one leh.... must buy more blue ice isit??

My brother sayz dats all advertising lies, and we mus trust reel life experience. He sayz use tap water, but I know he doesn't. Hees too lazie to even on the tap manz. Bummer. But I haf no idea haw come his headache pads are like always so full of water. But it works! For him! He's sooo posessive of them dat he doesn even share it with Mom when she has a spitting headache.

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OK, tksnks dude!


Err ... but wats potoslop eleman 2?

Does it make the video take X-Ray clips! Man, yu should see sum of my sister's friends ...

Can I see also? I know how to wire up remote cameras... :bsmilie:

My brother sayz dats all advertising lies, and we mus trust reel life experience. He uses sum kind of red water.

Wah... red one ah....

I onli see b4 in da thermometers leh... where else got? :dunno:

Elements 2 good meh??

I tot got wat CS4 liao... wait a minute, is tat Counterstrike 4? :think:
the best. better than cs4.

trying to cheat gi na luh.. don't let the cat out of the bag.. elements 2 so cheap..

OK, tksnks dude!


Err ... but wats potoslop eleman 2?

Does it make the video take X-Ray clips! Man, yu should see sum of my sister's friends ...

it is a program. you can make your pictures 800000mgp if you want.

x-ray clip.. hrm. for that, you have to contact the gwc committee.. :bsmilie:

anyone know is Staedtler better or Feber-Castell better.......i only got budget for 12 colour pack......can i get 2nd hand from B&S?

Wah... so good ah?

wat's the price huh? Must tell me leh... I dunno one, I need ppl to tell me which is the best so I can listen to them and buy wat they tell me to get.

anyone know is Staedtler better or Feber-Castell better.......i only got budget for 12 colour pack......can i get 2nd hand from B&S?

Of coz the F-C one lor...

better still hor, go buy the Barney pack, tat one can sure make your drawings go WOW one...


This places RAUKS MANZ!

No wonder my brother always hangs out here!

I think his fave hang is at some place called the P&P? I dun know what it is, but I know he gets this real BIGGG grin on his face when he surfs there, and klike he's in a goot mood all dae after dat! How do I get there? I cant c ani place called P&P on my desktop!

anyone know is Staedtler better or Feber-Castell better.......i only got budget for 12 colour pack......can i get 2nd hand from B&S?

i like panda brand the best

here the b&s not for kids like you.. only photographic equipment being sold there

anyone know is Staedtler better or Feber-Castell better.......i only got budget for 12 colour pack......can i get 2nd hand from B&S?

My brother has dis huge crayon box called 'SWEDISH EORTIKA'. It must be good and expensive, cos he always lockes it!

Can I see also? I know how to wire up remote cameras... :bsmilie:

Hey Dude!

The X-ray cam works on aunties as well! Just make sure they're wearing sumtink black! And be sure to use that soecial prog dat Nitemare reccoed!

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