[Clem] Learning Journey - Baby Steps to B/W

#8 2010.08 Huashan

Redo #8 as I feel that it can do with less "colour" portion.. if you disagree, do let me know

#6 2010.08 Huashan
Redo #6 as I can see a b/w in there :) Crop differently.. The grainy effect is intented :) (It is mimicking Ilford b/w film).

Done with Huashan Pictures.. Do let me know, if you have any interest to see either a series from Egypt/Cairo or some from China/Huangshan or a few more from Italy/Florence..

Thanks again for viewing and appreciate your C & C.. Any Positive or Negative Constructive comments are welcome :)

I glad you like #8, hope you dont mind if I do another version.. still feel tooo much colour in it.. See if you like a newer version later.

[re-read the thread - I think you were refering to #7 and not #8]

#1 is what started me thinking about presenting things in B/W, as mentioned I will close this series in the future with a few shots of the terracoota warriors in B/W. :) Hope the ending series will put things in place (and not so weird/wrong) :)

Bro MrSamO, I was walking around huashan with about 6kgs of photographic equipments (include tripod) and not young anymore :( .. That's why I said.. must remind myself to travel light.. LOL

I think 8 is fine but if there is room for PS (photoshop) improvement then yeah go for it.

6Kgs? must be a pretty light tripod haha...mine is about 2kgs already and its not like the top of the range either. My new camera...ugh....heavy.

EDITED: Sorry was looking at the wrong number, I meant #7!

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Thanks CityKiD, hope you will also like the rest (that is coming)

I think 8 is fine but if there is room for PS (photoshop) improvement then yeah go for it.
6Kgs? must be a pretty light tripod haha...mine is about 2kgs already and its not like the top of the range either. My new camera...ugh....heavy.
EDITED: Sorry was looking at the wrong number, I meant #7!
the weight is on the conservative side.. and tripod was my walking stick for some part of the journey. (so didn't consider it as part of photo equipments for those period)

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love the composition of No. 3 and No. 9! :thumbsup:

There is either no preference or no interest. ;p. I will stop when the viewing interest die down eventually.

For the moment, I will just post a few from Italy/Florence.. (hopefully, dont repeat those in my other thread.. )

Pisa is less than an hour train ride (or bus ride) from Florence.. I guess I will not be satisfied if I dont get to see the leaning tower of Pisa (hald-day trip will do, if you dont have much time to spare)
#16 - 2010.10 Pisa

A walk from train station to the field of miracles is about 10-20mins.. depending on how often you stop and whether you get lost..;p

#17 - 2010.10 First View of the Leaning Tower
This is a very disturbing picture, look at it for a while and you will lose all sense of perspective correctness.. Look at the cars... guess in Pisa, it is not only the tower that is leaning.. the road is also tilted on either side.. ;p

Thanks again for viewing and appreciate your C & C.. Any Positive or Negative Constructive comments are welcome

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#8 2010.08 Huashan

i like the feel... anyway to convert it totally to bnw? the tree itself i feel is isolated enough to be a strong element, without the need for colors to place emphasis on it​

love the composition of No. 3 and No. 9! :thumbsup:
B-setting - thanks, hope you will like some new ones in the others to follow..

i like the feel... anyway to convert it totally to bnw? the tree itself i feel is isolated enough to be a strong element, without the need for colors to place emphasis on it
yo Bro allenleonhart - you still dont like my newer #8, with less color (post #21).. OK..I can do a b/w of #8 just for you.. (latter tonight).. I will have to de-emphasis the sky to make the tree stand out more if I do a pure B/W.

Or do you (anyone) have other suggestions?

i like the feel... anyway to convert it totally to bnw? the tree itself i feel is isolated enough to be a strong element, without the need for colors to place emphasis on it

I dont think the contrast on the tree can be seen at that resolution, this is a slightly zoom version of a pure b/w picture

I think there are better ones in my collection to do pure b/w.. :) but hope this attempt is acceptable.

To continue on the Italy mini-trip :)
#18 - 2010.10 Pisa

I dont have (cant effort) a tilt-shift lens but wish I have one in Pisa :) Not easy to capture the tower leaning at the "correct" actual angle. So I try and capture it STRAIGHT instead :)

#19 - 2010.10 Pisa - Field of Miracles
Late enough to get a ticket up the tower but the challenge was to capture an image without tripod (cant bring up) with sunset gone and sunlights fading fast.

To continue on the Italy mini-trip :)
#18 - 2010.10 Pisa

I dont have (cant effort) a tilt-shift lens but wish I have one in Pisa :) Not easy to capture the tower leaning at the "correct" actual angle. So I try and capture it STRAIGHT instead :)

You have to take the "The Leaning Tower of Pisa" leaning, otherwise it looks ugly. I believe you have to take it by itself at a certain orientation with people standing upright beside it.

You have to take the "The Leaning Tower of Pisa" leaning, otherwise it looks ugly. I believe you have to take it by itself at a certain orientation with people standing upright beside it.
Yo Bro Lew - the challenge was to get it straight.. LOL!!!.. I have many leaning tower of Pisa.. only this one (that is Ugly) that is quite straight..

Seriously - The black cable running from the bottom to the top of the tower (is straight).. you will find pics taken from this angle that has a leaning tower... and the actual tilt is more than what I expected..

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I am not expert on B/W photographic, to me is a different way of taking photo, although the same photographic technique apply but you need to imagine the B/W composition in your memory when your eye see is in color.

The correct logic is to take the picture as in B/W, double check your DSLR's LCD and re-shoot. Out of 19 photo, pic#9 is a best fit for a B/W photo, but it will be better without the grainy effect it work best with different shade of grey. The composition is correct for Chinese painting.

For landscape composition pic#1-8, try not to crop it too tide. It will be o.k. if you have a continue series of photo for the same location. Using space in the landscape photo just like silence in the music, it is part of the landscape.

pic#19 is nice for B/W without the color, I will prefer to have more room at the top and the bottom.

If you are seriously going into B/W photo, my advise is not to dig out the old color photo and convert into B/W, most of the time it do not workout. Try to set your DSLR into B/W mode shot and review, you will understand what I mean. :)

Post the new B/W photo if you have done so.


I am not expert on B/W photographic, to me is a different way of taking photo, although the same photographic technique apply but you need to imagine the B/W composition in your memory when your eye see is in color.
The correct logic is to take the picture as in B/W, double check your DSLR's LCD and re-shoot. Out of 19 photo, pic#9 is a best fit for a B/W photo, but it will be better without the grainy effect it work best with different shade of grey. The composition is correct for Chinese painting.
For landscape composition pic#1-8, try not to crop it too tide. It will be o.k. if you have a continue series of photo for the same location. Using space in the landscape photo just like silence in the music, it is part of the landscape.
pic#19 is nice for B/W without the color, I will prefer to have more room at the top and the bottom.
If you are seriously going into B/W photo, my advise is not to dig out the old color photo and convert into B/W, most of the time it do not workout. Try to set your DSLR into B/W mode shot and review, you will understand what I mean. :)
Post the new B/W photo if you have done so.

Yo SilverPine - thanks for your feedback. Yes, B/W needs to think & shoot in B/W, (like blue and yellow will appear the be the same grey shade but in colour, one is cold(dark) and the other is warm (bright). As for the space, yes agreed it should have more... one way is to introduce a border for each image, it will give a slight improvement.. (similar to what you have done for all your images).. The place itself and the lens available sometime limits the view but it is NOT a good excuse. I hope to read in B/W and hope dont need to view in "B/W mode shot" eventually.

The digging of (selective) colour photo to do B/W is not effective and for me it is just a learning process of the various B/W techniques here.. but the inconsistencies and lack of flow is obvious in this thread.. :)

#20 - 2010.10 Italy, San Gimignano

Another Desaturated Image (cant bear to push it to pure B/W)

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Sorry, non-Italy - a little tired of looking/selecting those photographs. Just some local shots in B/W

#21 2010.12 Somewhere@SG

Guess this is what Stealing a Moment is all about. The challenge was getting this shot off at 6:20am.. guess I will not catch this image again even if I go back to the same place a few more times. :)

#22 2010.12 Somewhere@SG
When you are early enough (before 10am or late afternoon) and if the incense burner is placed in the right direction, you can get a shot like this)

Like your pic#21 & 22 for the composition. I do not know if it is my monitor problem both photo are under expo for me, contrast too strong for me, need some grey scale to soften the image for easy viewing. :)


PS. I like your new photo border, it fit well with the photo.

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Bro ur series is very nice. Keep it up! Got alot think can learn from u. Thanks for sharing! ;)

Like your pic#21 & 22 for the composition. I do not know if it is my monitor problem both photo are under expo for me, contrast too strong for me, need some grey scale to soften the image for easy viewing. :)
Nothing wrong with your monitor.. I have yet to fully correct the 1-stop under-exposed habit of old.. LOL.. Yes B/W is highlights, midtones, shadows..

Bro ur series is very nice. Keep it up! Got alot think can learn from u. Thanks for sharing! ;)
Yo Bro Jeffrey.. Thanks for dropping by. We can all learn from the Outings.. more practice.. more practice..

#23 - 2010.10 Italy, San Gimignano
Another Desaturated Image (cant bear to push it to pure B/W)

#23 - 2010.10 Italy, San Gimignano
Another Desaturated Image (cant bear to push it to pure B/W)