Clarke Quay by 50mm lens

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New Member
Apr 14, 2009

Testing night scene shoot by my OM 50mm lens.
by Olympus E510.
the color look better than my kit lens :)

welcome all C&C~

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Hi.. I have a similar shot at clarke quay too

Can advise me abit? I just started out not long

Nikon79, ur shot very blur leh. Go see your exif, the shutter speed shd be rather slow. I assume its handheld, then probably push up your ISO so that u get a more acceptable speed.

rui51, a suggestion is to 'blur' out your eyes, dont focus and look at the image. you notice that the most eye catching area is actually the reflection in the water.And too many things are fighting for attention. What I'm saying is that u need something of focus. atm leaving all elements in the center, top sky, bottom water, seems too centralized..

just noob 2cts..;)hih

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actually this is taken with tripod with shutter speed abt 3-5sec
i didnt know its blur until i saw rui51's shot.
sigh. somethign must be wrong somewhere when i took it :sweat:


actually this is taken with tripod with shutter speed abt 3-5sec
i didnt know its blur until i saw rui51's shot.
sigh. somethign must be wrong somewhere when i took it :sweat:

lower your iso to have longer exposure.
properly set more than 15sec
my aperture was set to F16
the smaller aperture (bigger F number) the better image quality will have.
tripod is a MUST.
try to play around aperture, ISO and shutter speed to make a good combination for your night scene!!;)

Nikon79, ur shot very blur leh. Go see your exif, the shutter speed shd be rather slow. I assume its handheld, then probably push up your ISO so that u get a more acceptable speed.

rui51, a suggestion is to 'blur' out your eyes, dont focus and look at the image. you notice that the most eye catching area is actually the reflection in the water.And too many things are fighting for attention. What I'm saying is that u need something of focus. atm leaving all elements in the center, top sky, bottom water, seems too centralized..

just noob 2cts..;)hih

thanks for ur comment Redmonson!!
actually the main purpose of tis photo is to test my new OM lens, hehe.
i even didnt bring a tripod there, i just put my cam on the handle along the bridge. ;p
but u got the point also, a good photo must tell people what you are trying to tell, but not just some messy nice scene:thumbsup:

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