Clang. A Self Portrait

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mattlock said:
hi one last thing
it'll be good to take a look at his commercial work
some of it is astounding
John Clang

Click on the drop down menu below on the page

Indeed. Mostly mediocre.

I'm in total agreement with you!
It's one thing to take a single shot that qualifies as good, but an entirely different story to develop a body of works that revolves around a certain theme or concept. Therein lies the challenge.

And you're also right about how in the past, you may not think much of some pics you've seen, but now looking at them again, they just blow your mind away. It's a good sign. It means you've evolved and you're now at another level.

mattlock said:
hi one last thing
it'll be good to take a look at his commercial work
some of it is astounding
John Clang

Click on the drop down menu below on the page

I feel that his personal work on Hands and Singapore Girls are more interesting than the displayed crop of "sleeping around with pillow" shots that seems to be similiar in concep to the Levis's "sleeping around with pillow" shots.

if a photograph is good, it's good. it doesn't matter who the photographer is, and it doesn't have to wait for everyone else to reach a "higher level of understanding" to appreciate it.


zaren said:
if a photograph is good, it's good. it doesn't matter who the photographer is, and it doesn't have to wait for everyone else to reach a "higher level of understanding" to appreciate it.


Wah uncle zaren.....sounds very cheeemmmm man... :bsmilie: and agree on what you said too....!

Pro Image said:
Wah uncle zaren.....sounds very cheeemmmm man... :bsmilie: and agree on what you said too....!

nephew PI, what's so cheem about it?
appreciate a photograph with your eyes, not your ears!
anyway, SS made a good point earlier... so go read up the children's story "The Emperor's New Clothes"

Zaren, it does seems more that if you are a self-made millionare in NYC as a photographer from Singapore, you must be good, doesn't it according to this thread? ;)

Whether you treat it as good photo or lousy photo, you like them or dislike them, you love him or hate him, you understand or under cannot stand..... It doesn't matter.

He has work hard through his years and make it up there. Most importantly, he is a Singaporean, our very own countryman...

Well done, keep inventing and showcasing your works, maybe this time in London or Paris?

That's right. Everything about the work don't matter. Good or bad, doesn't matter. Art of bluff, doesn't matter.
As long as you make it, right? Who cares right? Right.

When you go for your next G.E poll, please bring along this mentality. Just close 2 eyes and vote. Afterall, a Singaporean is going to rule right? Right? Who cares right? Right.

If his works fail to impress you, then why do you guys give empty 'praises' to the MUCH crappier works here.

I have seen lots of crappy photos getting praised here and at fredmiranda's

Maybe its because we're all not millionaire photographers?

Photography, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

To many people here, a nice photo is just one that is nicely composed and has a nice shallow depth of field. :bsmilie:

snappist said:
to summarise

To most, JC made it commercially, big time!
his customers, the big names in fashion, advertising and brands, buy him.

To most, JC did not quite make it artistically.
his customers, the ordinary people, did not quite buy him.

If Picasso or Monet during their time were to quit practising art due to some critics, then we would not have come to appreciate their art.
True artists just go on....

so keep at it, JC, whether on the artistic or commercial platform..
The world will appreciate you for the art that you bring forth on either platform.

And let's open it to critique or compliments, isn't this what art is all about?
But at least keep away the personal gibes...... okay clubsnappers?

interesting thread, and while i agree with SS and others, i think to summarize:
- you dont need to be good to succeed. rather, you just need to know the right people and how to promote urself.
- also, you need to have the courage to show crap work, e.g. your holiday shots of ur parents-in-law while on tour :D, and defend it..
- you need to be lucky.
- lastly, and most importantly, you need to try. so this should give all of us inspiration to publish our work!

Minoxman said:
That's right. Everything about the work don't matter. Good or bad, doesn't matter. Art of bluff, doesn't matter.
As long as you make it, right? Who cares right? Right.

Oh, I think I made a little mistake, what I meant is you treat it as good photo or lousy photo, not good photo or lousy photo...(I will amend that)..:)

Minoxman said:
Zaren, it does seems more that if you are a self-made millionare in NYC as a photographer from Singapore, you must be good, doesn't it according to this thread? ;)

of cos he is good, minox. good at taking the type of photos that earn good money. i respect him for that and i think he deserves the fruit of his labour. he has also given the world greater awareness of singaporean fashion photogs.

however, with fame and success come great expectations. it's not surprising that many singaporeans have very high expectations of him since he is a well-known photographer. so, when his works do not measure up to expectations, people will be disappointed.

but hey, he has earned the respect of the fashion world through his talent and sheer hard work. i'm sure he has the ability to do the same with the art world.


Minoxman said:
When you go for your next G.E poll, please bring along this mentality. Just close 2 eyes and vote. Afterall, a Singaporean is going to rule right? Right? Who cares right? Right.

You are right, right?

A matter of taste it boils down to.
He must be doing something right all this while so he should go on doing it.
I just don't see why he should explain his work or apologize about not pleasing the crowd (from his last post). And he thinks that some are out to hate him because he has made it big is just a strange statement.
Take the critics and move on with it is what real artists do.

FLiNcHY said:
If his works fail to impress you, then why do you guys give empty 'praises' to the MUCH crappier works here.

I have seen lots of crappy photos getting praised here and at fredmiranda's

Maybe its because we're all not millionaire photographers?

Photography, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

To many people here, a nice photo is just one that is nicely composed and has a nice shallow depth of field. :bsmilie:

as you said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. what is good here to some people may seem crappy to you. likewise, you may think that JC's work is brilliant while many here will beg to differ. no problem at all.... it's freedom of speech and freedom of preference. :)

I think if we start ignoring Minoxman and treat him like the troll that he is, he will eventually go away and leave us in peace. You get jerks like this in every forum, can't be helped :rolleyes:

Gymrat76 said:
I think if we start ignoring Minoxman and treat him like the troll that he is, he will eventually go away and leave us in peace. You get jerks like this in every forum, can't be helped :rolleyes:

Time to go CP and do your bitching bargaining. ;)

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