Claire @ Fort Canning Park

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Senior Member
Oct 1, 2004
A big thank you to Claire and all the participants :)

Here's some of Claire's photos

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heya simon! number 2 is my pick... but in number 2, can see a lot of stray hairs... :S - on the left side.

the first picture's composition is nice... but the pose doesnt exactly make her look too flattering. would love to see more of her legs though.

:) cheers! love the 2nd pic

Hello ParkertR

tks for your comments.

U have very good eyes. yes today is rather windy, looks like I have to do a bit more PS work....

yes, I like the curves of the 1st pic also. I was actually sitting down manning the reflector...then I saw such nice curves.....but to some it may be distracting...

tks again.

yup...if I left out the lamp post..then the tilt would have been less....

noted your comments.
tks maddog

1 - maybe leave the legs in??? the tilt however works for me coz of the stairs....

2 - nice pose .....

Witness said:
1 - maybe leave the legs in??? the tilt however works for me coz of the stairs....

2 - nice pose .....

tks Gerald.

yeah..more legs would be nice.... :bsmilie:

guess I should have moved my fat ass and get a better shot... :embrass:

K. It's up again. Can see the pics now. Below are my 1 cent worth.

Pic 1: Cool shot. I like this best! Nice use of curves!

Pic 2: Nice use of DOF here. Cool grin. Take note of her tummy. Ask her to hold her breath, so that she can tuck in her tummy.

Hope you don't mind me being frank.

just my 2 cents worth...

pic #1 - model is a little lost in the pic, think that too much attention is taken up by the nice curves on the stairs, rather than the curves on the model... you know what i mean!! heeheehee :thumbsup:

pic #2 - excellent use of DOF, and great pose by the model. but the stray hairs are a little distracting. really nice colours!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Nice pics. :bsmilie:

Tks Andygohf, dzulhjdzaid and Venom81.

tks Cactus jACK, noted your comments, pic 2 was shot at f8. Will PS the hair once I have the time..

tks for viewing. :)

pretty model and great compotition.
pic#2 is little bit distortion, but still fine with me :D

just my two cents word, try to poses little bit sexy, will be better ;p

andrithaslim said:
pretty model and great compotition.
pic#2 is little bit distortion, but still fine with me :D

just my two cents word, try to poses little bit sexy, will be better ;p

tks for your comment.

Can u enlighten me on the distortion bit? is it she look slightly thinner?

the clouds was moving very fast that day. The light just happened to fall on her face. :lovegrin:

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