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Aug 25, 2006
Just a set of 3, done with extension tubes and natural light.

These are just water droplets on a CD, if you must know. First picture taken with Tamron 70-300mm Macro and the rest with Pentax FA 50mm F1/4.




I :heart: it.... :thumbsup:

One word: GENIUS!! :thumbsup:

Wow cool man!!!! You are the best!!!Power!!!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

i like the pics. the colours are nicely saturated. Noob alert: Would like to ask where do the colours in the pics come from? (from the cd i'm guessing?)

thanks guys.

not much saturation needed for #2 and #3, the droplets on the cd really sparkle in the sun.. :)

pixelpixie - yes, they come from the cd, you must angle it properly so that it catches the light right so you get the droplet with the colors. :)

it really very nice.... thank for sharing.........

Nice colour effect!

The water droplet looks a bit soft... Could it be due to handshake, out of focus or compression of the files? Or perhaps not enough DOF?

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thanks guys.

gunjack - i won't know for sure.. :) but the first one is shot with tripod on timer mode, with pretty small aperture, so i don't think you refer to that one.

i'm looking at #2 large, it seems fine, #3 is a tad soft.. got lazy with the 50mm shots because the lighting was much brighter for those, so i just shot handheld (braced though).. :)

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