Chit chat thread #3 (finally!!!)

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outing? i wanna join in! :bsmilie:

All the kings and queens start to making their kites liao... sounding all so enthu and whatnot. :sticktong

The_Cheat said:
All the kings and queens start to making their kites liao... sounding all so enthu and whatnot. :sticktong

:bsmilie: :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

ehhhhh.....i was at fox's farewell thingy ok!

hwchoy said:
are you a chio bu? :rolleyes:

ashleyy is the sexiest gal that ever set foot in CS. how can u not know??!!!!! :angry:

hwchoy said:
but the last time I invited her to the jacuzzi, the tub cracked! :think:

obviously ur jacuzzi was not built for the more endowed woman! :bsmilie:

U guys interested in having a chalet for our outing anniversary? Was toying the idea with Calis.... We can have BBQ, mahjong etc... Uncle Choy can bring his girls to the bathtub....

I can get favourable rates for Aloha and Downtown East....

Am thinking of the 22nd and 23rd weekend... since 24th April is a Monday....

So how? Interested?

Ya and on sunday morning can try to go and shoot sunrise hahaahaha

xin said:
U guys interested in having a chalet for our outing anniversary? Was toying the idea with Calis.... We can have BBQ, mahjong etc... Uncle Choy can bring his girls to the bathtub....

I can get favourable rates for Aloha and Downtown East....

Am thinking of the 22nd and 23rd weekend... since 24th April is a Monday....

So how? Interested?

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