Capture Software for Studio Shoot

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New Member
Aug 27, 2003
Hey guys,

Saw a Phase One system at work the other day.
Now just drooling over it all day long....

But till I find a sugar mommy, think gotta live with my 10D.

Was wondering if there's any capture software that might have similar functions.

I've downloaded the 30 day trial for Capture One DSLR but it's so blardee chim!
and the impression I've got so far is that it's only meant to be used with RAW files.

furthermore my 10D transfers a RAW through its USB at a crawling 1 whole min!

Is there any other capture softwares which can let me view my JPEG shots on my laptop immediately.
Of coz it'll be a bonus if they also come with the Gray Balance like Capture One.

Thanks in advance guys!

- Bob

understand what you mean. Capture one is a great software.

The software for leaf is also pretty decent.

zekai said:
The software for leaf is also pretty decent.

It sux to be poor man.

Neway what's the deal with this leaf software?

Immediately? -> Tethered
Just wait a little little while? -> wirelessly. ;)

Beside all those $$$ MF stuff, I think the closest would probably be the Nikon system? Correct me if I am wrong.

Tethered to a PC/notebook
D70/D1x/D1h/D2h + USB/1394 cable + Nikon Capture 4.x / Phase One Capture One 3.5

D2H + WT-1 + Nikon Capture 4.x / Phase One Capture One 3.5


bobotto said:
It sux to be poor man.

Neway what's the deal with this leaf software?

it is a similar software. capture one was written for phase one digital back as leaf program (forgot the name) is written for leaf vareo digital back.

I am more familiar with capture one but seen the leaf software when working with another photographer. Was told it can combine multiple exposure into 1 image and can automatically ignore shadow tone. (the boom we use in some of the picture disappear automatically keeping the highlight the light on it produce)

newbie like us unless super loaded probably cannot afford them (digi back, since the software came with the back).

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