Canon's "softness"

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Anywayz, I always use MF; still find my pics soft leh.

Can it be that the 350d and 400d use mirrors instead of a proper pentaprism in the camera. (idiotic cost cutting) And they are sadly dim to view.

Any slight misalignment of the mirror position will result in inaccuracies.

With the pentaprism, (as in higher grade DSLRs) you do not have that problem, as the physics of the optical properties of pentaprism does not allow for misalignment or wrong positioning of the mirror.

hi fotojoy,

i find that AF usually gives me sharper pics than MF on my 400d. your 400d and 100/2.8 is definitely capable of producing v sharp pics. play ard much more with it, experiment with different apertures, shutter speeds, iso settings and lighting conditions.

and most importantly, keep shooting!


Thanks for the advice! Will work on it :)

ops, are you refering to the sharpness on macro subjects? its not easy to get very sharp images in macro photography. The DOF is very shallow. Use smaller aperture like f11 - f16.

actually, not only when doing macro but most of the time i do macro lor.
when i used the zoom lens EF75-300mm f/4-5.6 also got this "problem".

f11-f16? Hmmm ... will try that. :sweat:

aiyooo i think i really need to brush up my skills a lot alot ... haizzz

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