Canon S90 or G11 for her 21ST!


New Member
Apr 20, 2009
Hi CSers!

Since i've got my Sony DSLR, my sis has been pestering me for a cam! ;p And recently borrowed her lappy and realise she's checking out on S90 and G11... I'm gonna buy her as a gift on her 21st bday and hopefully i'll have some good information about these cam...

Need to know which is value for money (to save my pocket for dehydration) and review from u peeps that has already using it! :D


For a lady S90 will be more suitable...

But she want to have more DSLR feel, then G11 lor.

Hi CSers!

Since i've got my Sony DSLR, my sis has been pestering me for a cam! ;p And recently borrowed her lappy and realise she's checking out on S90 and G11... I'm gonna buy her as a gift on her 21st bday and hopefully i'll have some good information about these cam...

Need to know which is value for money (to save my pocket for dehydration) and review from u peeps that has already using it! :D


The main difference between these 2 is size, one more pocket-friendly than the other. Image quality wise, they both look on par to me.

Or get a cheap 1000D/450D :D

benjouin, it totally depends on the extent of interest your sister has on photography. Those fully interested would use SLRs + large lenses, no less. Gauge on what you assess of your sister's commitment, not on what other people's concepts on what women should or should not be holding in their hands. none of us here has met your sister.

Hi CSers!

Since i've got my Sony DSLR, my sis has been pestering me for a cam! ;p And recently borrowed her lappy and realise she's checking out on S90 and G11... I'm gonna buy her as a gift on her 21st bday and hopefully i'll have some good information about these cam...

Need to know which is value for money (to save my pocket for dehydration) and review from u peeps that has already using it! :D


I'd recommend that you get S90 for her..

Cheaper, more lady like, easier to put into handbags..

& I uses G11 for info...

I would chose S90 for a lady..... :think:

But I think it would be better to let your Sis make the choice... :bsmilie:

benjouin, it totally depends on the extent of interest your sister has on photography. Those fully interested would use SLRs + large lenses, no less. Gauge on what you assess of your sister's commitment, not on what other people's concepts on what women should or should not be holding in their hands. none of us here has met your sister.

I agree with this.

For my wife, I bought S90. For my sis, I'd recommend G11 or LX-3.

get her the a230 at $599 (student promotion) and both of you will be able to share lenses and accessories.

if not, i would strongly recommend the s90.

u guys seems to have miss this point (below) that TS has already stated.. & it is mean to be a birthday present, so it is suppose to be a secret....

...recently borrowed her lappy and realise she's checking out on S90 and G11...

S90 or G11 are both just fine. The important point is what kind of photographer is his sister gonna be. Not whether she is "lady like" or not; that is a huge assumption to make on what her needs and desires really are.

Is she gadgetry? Want power features? G11 is your mean machine.

Is she a light-weight traveller? Small bags? S90 is the sneaky device.

Who can answer these personality questions?

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S90 or G11 are both just fine. The important point is what kind of photographer is his sister gonna be. Not whether she is "lady like" or not; that is a huge assumption to make on what her needs and desires really are.

Is she gadgetry? Want power features? G11 is your mean machine.

Is she a light-weight traveller? Small bags? S90 is the sneaky device.

Who can answer these personality questions?

seriously.. we can only make recommendations and comments..

it's still up to T.S. whether he wants to take our comments or not..

deep inside, I believe he already got an answer, just wanted some confirmation..

& also note that he did not ask personality questions as well..

So.. let's just give him what we think on the 2 cams, so that he can make inform decisions.

Buying as a surprise? The S90 would be best as it is small but packs a punch. Buy a external pretty camera case with it together and I am sure she would be pleased.
What I heard is that the image quality is the same for both only that the G11 has a hot shoe. And the G11 is bigger.

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apart from the usual pros n cons dat haf been discussed before, i discovered another advantage of the G11 over the S90....

when i was in ho chi minh last week, i attached my G11 on a monopod-like gadget and flipped out its screen so that my wife n i can camwhore more accurately while capturing more of the background. of cos, with the "monopod-like" gadget fully extended and a G11 on the end, it takes abit of effort to hold it still there. ;)

Buying as a surprise? The S90 would be best as it is small but packs a punch. Buy a external pretty camera case with it together and I am sure she would be pleased.
What I heard is that the image quality is the same for both only that the G11 has a hot shoe. And the G11 is bigger.

yup. the size of the G11 is damm irritating. neither here nor there.... not many choices for carrying cases that provide a snug fit.

WOW! thank all for your constructive replies...

Personally, i think i shld maybe prob for hintsssss eh... lolz. Then maybe can have a better picture of what kinda cam more suitable for her. ;)

Well, a dslr like 230 is a good suggestion thou! Thanks.. but u think she would perfer a PnS. ;p

Altot she's a lady but i kinda treat her like a brother so.. S90 and G11 still stands on par! :sweatsm:

Btw, how's the pricing range for both? heard that S90 is ard 700+ and G11 is 800+... :dunno:

S90 $749, G11 $899 (RRP). You can purchase it cheaper at shops like MS colour, Cathay...(Pls correct me if I am wrong)

Or, try to get your hands on a cheap, old, busted Canon camera, head down to Canon at HarbourFront. They have a "privilege purchase" program where the S90 is ~$600 and the G11 ~$720. Just turn the old camera in (must be a Canon, doesn't matter PnS or SLR)

G11 has the heft that may or may not suit individuals. Also, from personal experience, it was difficult to find a decent case for the G11 because its dimensions are quite unique, but since then I've got 2 cases for it (1 leather and 1 nylon) so let's just say it's not impossible.

My girlfriend, on the other hand, has indicated her interest in an S90. Her reasons are that it's smaller and lighter than the G11, yet has more or less similar features to it (minus the manual dials). In terms of image quality, I think they are on par. The S90 does resemble the Canon IXUS series (IMO at least) albeit lacking in colour choices. It is slightly cheaper, too.

Just sharing my views and experience. Now it's up to you :)