Canon PhotoMarathon Asia 2012

Submitted and cant stand the techno music...:( waiting for three...

9gag lego shots found

There were several prizes kept for winners of the different category, probably left earlier when didn't see their works pin at the display chart.

I'm sure they'll put the winners' photos on Canon marathon's website like last year ones.

Some of the winning photos look totally post processed and a lot of them do not relate to the theme at all (even abstractly). I don't understand how it is allowed to win.

(BTW, I am not whining because I know I don't have a chance to win with my mediocre skills even if they let me post process, but I just feel that if there are rules, everyone should abide by them, or else it defeats the purpose of the competition)

Did anyone else feel that way?

(There were some very nice shots though as winners, so this does not detract from them in anyway, just that some I felt really not that impressive)

Xerith said:
Some of the winning photos look totally post processed and a lot of them do not relate to the theme at all (even abstractly). I don't understand how it is allowed to win.

(BTW, I am not whining because I know I don't have a chance to win with my mediocre skills even if they let me post process, but I just feel that if there are rules, everyone should abide by them, or else it defeats the purpose of the competition)

Did anyone else feel that way?

(There were some very nice shots though as winners, so this does not detract from them in anyway, just that some I felt really not that impressive)

agree. i saw many people processing the image on their computer and submitting them.
and i also agree there r some shots tht does not relate to the theme although they r nice.

I think they are encouraging fish eye lens use. Look at the winners!

I doubt they checked to see if the photo was post-processed... stick sd card, choose pic, upload, done. -_-" BW photos are a sure sign of post processing!

Wanna win? Either come up with a super creative photo related to the theme, or come up with a photo that is aesthetically pleasing with little relation to the theme. Latter trumps former by the way.

Any non-canon users going *#$(*@# over the special treatment?

i thought canon have a way to check whether the photos are pp?

I think they are encouraging fish eye lens use. Look at the winners!

I doubt they checked to see if the photo was post-processed... stick sd card, choose pic, upload, done. -_-" BW photos are a sure sign of post processing!

Wanna win? Either come up with a super creative photo related to the theme, or come up with a photo that is aesthetically pleasing with little relation to the theme. Latter trumps former by the way.

Any non-canon users going *#$(*@# over the special treatment?

in-camera editing is allowed, as per rules.. i did image raw processing in-camera.. converted to black and white///

I would be interested to know how many non-canon user won the competition...

they shld get people to submit the files in RAW.
it will be impossible to edit anything. i tink in camera editing is as good as editing on computer.

Yeah, I know in-camera pp is allowed. Not actually against that at all.
It only became a problem when the host added this clause in the morning 'Keep all post processing to a minimal', as though it was an important criteria in the judging process. If that is what canon wanted, then its fair to say that certain kinds of shots should certainly be excluded. While I recognize that all photos are post processed to some extent, photos like BW, instagramed and so on are obviously not keeping pp to a minimal (Unless someone thinks that BW is not considered significant post processing.) . But I guess that ultimately, at least in the judges eyes, so long as the picture can be recognized as being a photo at some point in time and not a digital art created from scratch, its good enough for them.

By trying to even the playing field, canon actually made it worse by favoring people who has access to heavy in camera retouching and people who skirt the rules by pping on the comp and transferring back. (Can't confirm how rampant this is, but its quite easy to see how this is possible. I personally saw several people sitting around with their macbooks and photoshop in hand... ) What can i say. Go Canon -_-"

Oh well, at least 70% of the winning entries did follow the rules and truly deserve their award. Kudos to them!

Your Canon camera has a Monochrome picture style what

Yup saw lots of pics which was obviously pp.. I for one did shoot in b/w.. just change cam to monochrome.. no pp at all for that.. like some said, some of the pics, really dunno how come can win.. also, the pics that were put up on display are not necessarily the winning pics.. checked that w one of the organisers :)

Personally I have no objection to any in camera processing since it was defined in the rules. I only don't really like any that was done off camera.

Btw, I feel B&W photos aren't even considered processing, since it is available in camera... I was referring to things that clearly isn't possible like superimposing things or removing items etc... you can see some examples of that even in the photos they posted on the display boards (probably shortlist) or even a few of the winning photos. Anyway, once they display the winning entries, then people can judge for themselves more clearly.

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The funny thing is that I think even the winners didn't think they would win, since almost 50% of the winners didn't stay back. Shows how the judges choices are a little "different" from what people would judge. (Not saying that is bad, because the masses are not always right, but just interesting)