Canon @ F1

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Senior Member
Sep 2, 2004


The rest :

Shot done with 135 and 200 both at F2 most of the time.

nice :)

Great shots

nice :eek: how come your pictures don't have the fence in them? ahkit (a TS somewhere else in this section) said all pro photogs still have to stand by the fence

Ohh okay... no wonder no panning shots. Wish I could go lol

So its all Manual Focus, high shutter speed and large aperture. What was the ratio of good pix to bad pix? I had abt 17% hit rate.

nice :eek: how come your pictures don't have the fence in them? ahkit (a TS somewhere else in this section) said all pro photogs still have to stand by the fence

yeah fence is still there...just shoot through it. A lens with with aperture F2.8 or faster and 135mm or longer can shoot through the fence if the fence is not more then 3 meters away from your lens.

So its all Manual Focus, high shutter speed and large aperture. What was the ratio of good pix to bad pix? I had abt 17% hit rate.

Mine was almost all hit (view at screen size), so last night I had a hard time choosing it actually(have to view all pics at 100% to throw away then less in focus shots). I use AIservo to track the car for 1-2 sec and then shot 2-3 shots. I know many pro will disagree with me. Still have not master the manual focus technique. (might try that today)

Mine was almost all hit (view at screen size), so last night I had a hard time choosing it actually(have to view all pics at 100% to throw away then less in focus shots). I use AIservo to track the car for 1-2 sec and then shot 2-3 shots. I know many pro will disagree with me. Still have not master the manual focus technique. (might try that today)

So as long as you are as close as possible to the fence then it is possible for the AI Servo to track the car well enough?

nice stuff dude!

yeah...some where there. I wanted to do panning....but the space is so small....if I pan, not sure whose head I will hit...really envy those pro photographers where they have all the space they want.:(

I have to agree with you on this. everywhere i went was all packed. if i tried panning, i am sure I will hit a lot of heads beside me...

Mine was almost all hit (view at screen size), so last night I had a hard time choosing it actually(have to view all pics at 100% to throw away then less in focus shots). I use AIservo to track the car for 1-2 sec and then shot 2-3 shots. I know many pro will disagree with me. Still have not master the manual focus technique. (might try that today)

i got about 60% hit rate (when displaying 1:1). i figured that the trick was that, between shots, when waiting for another car to come in, manual focus to the area that the car will come into view, so that the camera will not try to hunt too much, giving a much better chance to lock on to the car...

nice stuff dude!

I have to agree with you on this. everywhere i went was all packed. if i tried panning, i am sure I will hit a lot of heads beside me...

i got about 60% hit rate (when displaying 1:1). i figured that the trick was that, between shots, when waiting for another car to come in, manual focus to the area that the car will come into view, so that the camera will not try to hunt too much, giving a much better chance to lock on to the car...

Yeah...will try the manual focus technique today. May be we should all go to turn 12 area and learn from each other. I will be wearing a green T-shirt with 1D3 and 200F2. Come say hi if you manage to see me. Let's learn to shoot together.

I will be at turn 11 or turn 12 too... i had enough of turn 13.. haha.

I am wearing white tee with an orange manniqun on the front.. with jeans. with D300 and 70-200.. Definitely will say hi if I do meet you there..


I will be at turn 11 or turn 12 too... i had enough of turn 13.. haha.

I am wearing white tee with an orange manniqun on the front.. with jeans. with D300 and 70-200.. Definitely will say hi if I do meet you there..


Cool....:thumbsup: Turn 13 the fence is too far....I walk around yesterday and so far turn 11-12 is the best.

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