Canon EOS 450D Club -TCSS Lim Kopi Session: Season 9

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wait abit longer.. once the 3gs launch... you can buy the iphone even lower price... the 3g-s no point lor.. only thing is they claim faster, which is quite fast on the 3g itself and cam better(from 2mp-3mp) waahh.. big diff. nothing your 450d cannot do.. and got voice recognition... other than that.. looks the same.. feels the same..

Has video-ing function.

wait abit longer.. once the 3gs launch... you can buy the iphone even lower price... the 3g-s no point lor.. only thing is they claim faster, which is quite fast on the 3g itself and cam better(from 2mp-3mp) waahh.. big diff. nothing your 450d cannot do.. and got voice recognition... other than that.. looks the same.. feels the same..

i'm buyin for the sake of watchin vid and play game...:bsmilie:

lidat i still got to buy another phone mah..:bsmilie:

yea.. if its for the soul purpose of your game and vids, the iphone 3g will be fine.. afterall the new update on 17th july will be more than enuf to satisfy with their improvements.. or me at least.;)

Has video-ing function.

erm.. technically... if you JB the iphone 3g, it has video also.. and voice recorder and alot of things..

I'm getting Google phone! BBB.. :bsmilie:

google phone is htc right?

i got htc diamond & samsung omnia, compare this 2, htc SUCK bick time.

new diamond cost $10XX, 3 months later check few shops, highest price they buy back - $300.
new omnia cost $7xx, i think it got higher resale value.



Yeah Google phone is made by HTC, but the software loaded in the phone is made by Google. My friend uses it and she gives high ratings for it.

google phone is htc right?

i got htc diamond & samsung omnia, compare this 2, htc SUCK bick time.

new diamond cost $10XX, 3 months later check few shops, highest price they buy back - $300.
new omnia cost $7xx, i think it got higher resale value.



Hmm, ok, change topic from apple :p

Was shooting at my church's anniversary last sunday. Some thoughts and "difficulties" met, not sure if there are other ways around them.

Was told last minute no flash during the service itself, only before and after service. Was a bit nervous then, because, when i test shoot, lighting was obviously insufficient for motion freeze and of course minimising handshake (had to use M mode and shoot underexposed).

Stage lighting was sufficient for off flash, so no issue with this, only when i need to capture congregation/people off stage. Quite a few of my pics turned out blur either to low shutter speed or can't freeze motion. There were few shots with just my flash lighting and the background turned rather dark (i guess i had to decide between enough background ambient light vs freezing motion at higher shutter speed?)

I realised i had to decide if i'm ok with blur pictures or underexposed, i went for the latter. Had some PS to do thereafter though. but some pics still turned out blur.

All these above when i use my 24-105 at mostly f/4. Imagine when i had to use my 10-22.... all down the drain. My flash obviously can't light up the whole recital hall, but i needed the small aperture to capture wide.. with the poor lighting, how to achieve that?! not to say battling handshakes!

hai, any thoughts guys? (other then buying new lenses/gears?) :(

hai, any thoughts guys? (other then buying new lenses/gears?) :(

I had a similar "problem" when I was shooting for my cousin's wedding late last month. Lucky I wasn't the official photog. My issue wasn't that flash couldn't be used... Even with flash, and at highest auto-iso, I lost a lot of shots mostly due to being unable to freeze motion, and some due to handshake. Was wishing the 450D had better high-iso performance...

I think situations like this expose the limitations of the 450D under low-light/varying light conditions. When upgrading camera body is not an option, I think under-exposing shots is ultimately better than losing them to handshake or motion blur, something which I regret not doing.

I had a similar "problem" when I was shooting for my cousin's wedding late last month. Lucky I wasn't the official photog. My issue wasn't that flash couldn't be used... Even with flash, and at highest auto-iso, I lost a lot of shots mostly due to being unable to freeze motion, and some due to handshake. Was wishing the 450D had better high-iso performance...

I think situations like this expose the limitations of the 450D under low-light/varying light conditions. When upgrading camera body is not an option, I think under-exposing shots is ultimately better than losing them to handshake or motion blur, something which I regret not doing.

yah.. now that you mentioned ISO.. when i pumped it up to 1600, most of the photos can already see super grainy pictures even if i want to print 4x6" :sweat: sigh..

are these limitations of gears?

yah.. now that you mentioned ISO.. when i pumped it up to 1600, most of the photos can already see super grainy pictures even if i want to print 4x6" :sweat: sigh..

are these limitations of gears?

5D MKII, 580EX II and f/2.8 lenses. :devil:

5D MKII, 580EX II and f/2.8 lenses. :devil:

ahh! i said not to mention new gears!!! :sweat:

btw Ryan, this sat's Photoshop workshop is confirmed??

5D MKII, 580EX II and f/2.8 lenses. :devil:

The only thing which I think will help is the 5D MkII. I suppose even 40D would have been better able to handle the low-light conditions.
I was using my 30/1.4, but had to reduce aperture to f/6 to f/8 so that I don't get ppl OOF.
580EX II is also not all that much more powerful than my 430EX II. The temple where my cousin had her wedding was just too big for flash to work effectively.

yah.. now that you mentioned ISO.. when i pumped it up to 1600, most of the photos can already see super grainy pictures even if i want to print 4x6" :sweat: sigh..

are these limitations of gears?

Yes absolutely. It might be better if body has NR, nevertheless, getting noise is better than nothing captured, at least you can do away some noise later. My experience with 450 1600, 5/10 shots passed noise acceptance level, not bad i suppose.

Now you know why people pay 2.8 over 4 stop? I used to have this lens...

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