Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS USM Lens

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New Member
Aug 26, 2008
Hi, greetings to all.

I looking @ buying the Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS USM Lens.
And thinking of making it the only lens i will be using.

Does anyone use it as the main lens for every shoot?

Any pros & cons?

Would appreciate feedback.
Sorry if its a real unrealistic question.

Hi, different people got different needs, seem like you dont know what you need. As for only lens, are you missing out the wider side?

u'll probably want a 17-55 f2.8 IS rather than a 70-200...... that one long and must stand far... depends wat you shoot... and the 70-200 2.8 IS, is ex... heavy..... errr... ya... what you wanna shoot?

different people got different preference on fav. focal length...i think i can't live with 70-200 alone... as for me in this last 2 years, i'm shooting 90% with my 10-22...

i can do street shoot with this lens alone.:thumbsup:

I find having the lens alone is very limiting. Yes, I can do a lot fantastic shots with it but for "normal" use, it is just not practical. Not that it cannot be done, but you might have to constantly "move" away from you subject to get wide enough. I tried this once because I was lazy changing lenses and I did miss quite a few wide shots.

You just have to try it out. You know what, just get yourself this lens. It is an amazing lens. Heavy like hell but, hey, at least can build some muscle. If you find the range is limiting, can always get a wider lens to complement. You won't lose out either way, except your wallet's thinner :sweat:

I hv this lens but only use it less than 5% of the time. Useful if you need to shoot low light event like big corporate D&D where the stage is big and you want to shoot from a distance so as not to block the VIPs tables. Use this lens as backup for my 24-70 f2.8 which I find more useful.

TS, what are u shooting? I think it is possible to have it as your main lens if you shoot exclusively over a distance; street, zoo, etc. Out of the 6 lenses I have/had, I am shooting mostly on my 100mm. I believe it's the style one is shooting, wide isn't everything.

Hi, greetings to all.

I looking @ buying the Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS USM Lens.
And thinking of making it the only lens i will be using.

Does anyone use it as the main lens for every shoot?

Any pros & cons?

Would appreciate feedback.
Sorry if its a real unrealistic question.
great lense but too narrow for daily use. unless you're a stalker or a detective.

This lens is either you use it all the time for distant shoots or don't use it at all. Usage is pretty limited imo but largely depends what u shoot. By the way to use it as the only lens, you might need to consider the weight, sometimes the weight does puts me off. Haha... :)

This lens is either you use it all the time for distant shoots or don't use it at all. Usage is pretty limited imo but largely depends what u shoot. By the way to use it as the only lens, you might need to consider the weight, sometimes the weight does puts me off. Haha... :)

I dun mind the weight of the 70-200mm lens as the weight can gives you free weights training.......... (as i own the 70-200mm lens w/o the IS) ;p

hi, thanks for all the comments & feedback.

I'm mostly shooting for my traveling & some events.
& hopefully to join some model shoot.
Seems like the 70-200 is not really tat good for some shooting.

any suggestion in wat lens is good?

What lenses are you using now? What do you think is "not good" about them?

I've been using this lense & after 3 hours of continuous shooting I cant even hold a PnS camera properly. Hand shake like hell.However, I must say tat it is a v gd lense for indoor events.

I've been using this lense & after 3 hours of continuous shooting I cant even hold a PnS camera properly. Hand shake like hell.However, I must say tat it is a v gd lense for indoor events.

You need some gym work !! :bsmilie:

Kidding there... yes agree that its not an easy think to carry around all the time. Usually if I'm outdoors using it for some sports, I sometimes use it with a tripod. Yes, not a monopod!

But... not really as a support for the lens, more of a support for my elbows ! :bsmilie:

depend on what u are shooting, and most importantly are u on a 1.6 / 1.3 / FF sensor.

i cant live with just the 70-200 lens alone.

tough decision to make. 24-70 will be a better choice for daily usage. can even use for macro with 500D

Buy both. If money no enough, 24-70 is definitely more useful for regular use. Eventhough I absolutely treasure my 70-200, I only use it occasionally eg nature shooting, events etc but 80% of the time my 24-105 is on my camera.

Decision is hard if you just need to get one. Get both or one that you use all the time.

You know what, there is a lens rental service, do yourself a favor and rent the 70-200 for a day. Walk about with the lens to simulate your actual shooting style for a day. If it works, hey, get it. If it doesn't, rent teh 24-70 and run it through a day. That is how I made my decision of having the 70-200, though my requirements were different from yours. i was comparing the 70-200 to the 70-300 lens.

Hi, thanks for the comments.
think i should do wat kenkht suggest to see wat i really need. :)
thanks for all the help. :)

You might want to consider the 24-105 f4. It's a good walkabout lens. For traveling, it is almost a permanent fixture on my cam. The 70-200 f2.8 is no doubt an excellent lens. The only downside is the weight. For traveling it can get a little much to carry around the whole day. Cheers.

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