buying dlsr 350D

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Hmmmmm I use my 350D and has shot over 10k of photos in various clubs (Momo, MOS, Qbar, Dbl O, Gotham Penthouse, Mdm Wong... just to name a few), dinners, etc.. Lighting problems, dark areas, moving drunk people etc.. you name it I faced it. I've landed myself less than 20 OOF photos, and most of the OOF photos are due to user error (as in, my stupidity).

I'm using a Sigma 18-50 f2.8 (not very large aperture, not very small either), FYI. I've only used my center AF, so I can't really comment on the side AF. I know the side AF is less reliable, so I've never really bothered.

:) so yeah, don't worry about a 350D. I'm fairly tempted by the larger LCD of the 400D.. but I can't justify the cost of it, so I'm sticking with my 350D.

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