Botanic Garden

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Hi friend,

You have a very beautiful and well compostion photos. I like a lot of them. Very well done. Are a prof? Love them



Thank you, Peter. I am glad you like them. I am not a prof, just a hobbyist. :)

You have a good eye for composition and aesthetics. You should compile your shots into a coffee table book using one of those online book publishers and show them off to your friends! :)

I like this shot for its shapes and symmetry of the leaf in the background.
I'm always wondering how some pictures look when converted to black and white. I think this one would work pretty nice.

Thanks for your comment. This is a photo that was cropped a lot from the original, hence the size you see now. My Canon Ixus 40 can only reach to about 100mm, but the flower is too far away. No choice, just shoot and crop.

I like the subtle orange reflection on the water; That prompted me to take a photo.

Yeah, it may look good if turned into B&W. :)

I love the 3rd and the bonsai photo.. They're interesting! :)

I also like the 5th shot, the sunset shot. But I feel the trees are a little overwhelming and that maybe it'll be nicer if you move back further or more to the left, such that a little more of the orange hues can be seen through the branches. :)

I love the 3rd and the bonsai photo.. They're interesting! :)

I also like the 5th shot, the sunset shot. But I feel the trees are a little overwhelming and that maybe it'll be nicer if you move back further or more to the left, such that a little more of the orange hues can be seen through the branches. :)

Thank you for your comment. I am glad you like the photos. :)

Will take note in future. ;)



Olympus E 330.



Olympus E 330.



Olympus E 330.



Olympus E 330.


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Canon Ixus 40.



Canon Ixus 40.


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