Boken in portrait is unwanted.

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ST1100 said:
Note that in the 50 vs 85 example, the 50 is stopped down while the 85 is wide open. Wide open shots usually have better bokeh because the blades do not come into the picture and the aperture is perfectly round.

Nice side by side example of two types of bokeh, Tim.

50mm f/1.4's bokeh is not as nice... believe me, in fact it's kinda bad in some situation.

Was shooting in shutter priority mode most of the time, if u want, I can shot one at 1.4, the reason will not be good as well.

Update, in aperture priority mode:


oeyvind said:
50mm f/1.4's bokeh is not as nice... believe me, in fact it's kinda bad in some situation.

Was shooting in shutter priority mode most of the time, if u want, I can shot one at 1.4, the reason will not be good as well.

I wonder what happens to the bokeh if there are no contrasting lights in the background. Should be less of a difference right?

2100 said:
I wonder what happens to the bokeh if there are no contrasting lights in the background. Should be less of a difference right?

Not the same color... 50mm f/1.4 one is more precise, bokeh wise I still prefer the 85mm


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