Bokeh Monster II

With that photo you posted and you mentioned only 1K made the price of this lens will sky rocket :)

I doubt my shots make any impact. :D

Most ppl in SGP go for the established, mainstream, known stuff.

These old lenses are niche interests.

I doubt my shots make any impact. :D

Most ppl in SGP go for the established, mainstream, known stuff.

These old lenses are niche interests.

slowly the family is growing bro with all these mirrorless bodies out there hehe...

Bro can you share your thoughts and maybe experience with Pentax M lenses I heard its not as good as K...

The Tourist


Gear info | Leica M9 | Leica Elmarit-M 135/2.8 |​

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slowly the family is growing bro with all these mirrorless bodies out there hehe...

Bro can you share your thoughts and maybe experience with Pentax M lenses I heard its not as good as K...

Could be... its a good thing with all these MILC, as it gives life to some discontinued lens mounts.

Pentax M, emphasis seemed to have been small size and portability, well matched to the small SLR of that time like the MX, ME, etc (though usually Pentax stuff is rather small sized through its product lines).

Pentax M series is well built and small.
The usual criticism is that it build is lower than that of its predecessor the 'K series'.
I don't really agree because its still an all metal build lens with nice focus damping.
They just usually don't feel as hefty due to the emphasis on smaller size.

Optically, there are hits and misses as with all series of any brand.
Some are traded off optically against size.
Though in most cases, they matter little imo for real world use.
But then that much smaller size becomes such an advantage in real world use by being so easy to take out and use.

Off the top of my head, some Pentax M series that are absolute gems for me.
M20/4 (29.5cm; no thoughts at all need to be given when needed a 'just in case' wide )
M50/1.4 (Small and optically the same formula as the K; A; FA series)
M85/2 (the size of most brand's 50mm f1.8 and sometimes smaller than that )
M24-35/3.5 (48mm length only for a MF walkabout lens )

Like all things, go down to a shop to try them out as its really individual.

Could be... its a good thing with all these MILC, as it gives life to some discontinued lens mounts.

Pentax M, emphasis seemed to have been small size and portability, well matched to the small SLR of that time like the MX, ME, etc (though usually Pentax stuff is rather small sized through its product lines).

Pentax M series is well built and small.
The usual criticism is that it build is lower than that of its predecessor the 'K series'.
I don't really agree because its still an all metal build lens with nice focus damping.
They just usually don't feel as hefty due to the emphasis on smaller size.

Optically, there are hits and misses as with all series of any brand.
Some are traded off optically against size.
Though in most cases, they matter little imo for real world use.
But then that much smaller size becomes such an advantage in real world use by being so easy to take out and use.

Off the top of my head, some Pentax M series that are absolute gems for me.
M20/4 (29.5cm; no thoughts at all need to be given when needed a 'just in case' wide )
M50/1.4 (Small and optically the same formula as the K; A; FA series)
M85/2 (the size of most brand's 50mm f1.8 and sometimes smaller than that )
M24-35/3.5 (48mm length only for a MF walkabout lens )

Like all things, go down to a shop to try them out as its really individual.

thanks bro for the response :) Is 28/2.8 good heard some folks saying its not good... but the lens you listed are the focal lengths I like :)

thanks bro for the response :) Is 28/2.8 good heard some folks saying its not good... but the lens you listed are the focal lengths I like :)

I don't have this lens.
Not a 28mm fan. :D

I have read both good and bad about it.
I think some guys expect too much and complain that it's no all sharp to the edge wide open.
I've also read that it's good at f8.
So my guess is that it's rather typical of old wide lenses.
Center sharp only at wide open and gets all sharp for the landscape type work at f8.

Maybe try at a so that has it first.

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I don't have this lens.
Not a 28mm fan. :D

I have read both good and bad about it.
I think some guys expect too much and complain that it's no all sharp to the edge wide open.
I've also read that it's good at f8.
So my guess is that it's rather typical of old wide lenses.
Center sharp only at wide open and gets all sharp for the landscape type work at f8.

Maybe try at a so that has it first.

tks bro


Gear Info | Leica M9 | Elmarit-M 135/2.8 |​

Leica Summarit-M @1.5 Tri-X <img src=""/>

I have not tried summarit on film yet on digital at wide open the contrast is really low plus the so called Leica Glow.

Ill try using this lens on film and see how it goes.

Have you observed a correlation with light? To my opinion, it is very sensitive to light sources, and can have special effects. Hood is almost mandatory.

Have you observed a correlation with light? To my opinion, it is very sensitive to light sources, and can have special effects. Hood is almost mandatory.

yeah I notice that too bro same as my last post here using this lens specially if the light is coming from behind your subject... I did get a vented hood not sure if that's enough the original lens hood is so huge for this lens ^_^. But 1st I need to go out and grab some Tri-X went out last night but can find from the nearby shops.