Bokeh Monster II

Lovely classic 105, f/2.5. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Thank you very much! It is probably my favorite lens...just incredible glass. I hope to get some better snaps soon stay tuned... :)

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I shot this using the Nikon 50/1.4 wide open on a Canon 500D (horror of horrors! A Canikon travesty )

Lit with my 7-Eleven Shoot through umbrella, very very low power.

(C) Singapore Wedding Florist


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Been a very long while since I check this Bokeh Monster tread...

Some shots by 6D with Mamiya Sekor 135mm.
:) Shot wide open...



bokehlicious, kitty!

Awesome bokeh bros and sis... :cool:

Nikkor 135/3.5 ai wide open


Nice shots Nikonzen, lovely bokeh. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Thank you sir I admire yours as well! :D

My next lens purchase will be one of the 24/2.8 units. I'm after one of the K lenses from around circa 74 or 75. Slowly building up a set of K's from that time frame.

Looks like I am going to have to buy a Pentax to Nikon F mount adapter (need M42 and bayonet) to so I can get in on some of this hybrid action! I have a few old Pentax lenses tucked away. :)

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some animal shots
A7R + LAE4 + CZ 135/1.8 ZA


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