Black Shop

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New Member
Oct 20, 2008
109 NorthBridge Road #02-03B Funan The IT Mall Singapore 179097 Tel (65) 6338 6965- Fax : (65) 6338 5695

Hey fellow Canon-ners, I know this maybe not be the exact correct place to put this post, But i know i had to warn you guys about this shop.

I got ripped off buying a HOYA CIR-POLARIZER 58mm at 79 :bigeyes:
And they are still selling the unaccurate GRETAMACBETH DISPLAY CALIBRATOR openly outside their shop!

Beware Guys!

Anyone know whats the exact price of the 58mm now?

Willing buyer willing seller. Woe to you for not checking price beforehand..

Are you saying that the monitor calibrator doesn't do it's job as a calibrator or is it being sold for too high a price? If it's the former, it's clearly not their fault. Like I said, willing buyer willing seller-- if ppl are still buying the calibrator, why take it off the shelves?

Price of Hoya CPL 58mm is ~ S$43 as seen here:

109 NorthBridge Road #02-03B Funan The IT Mall Singapore 179097 Tel (65) 6338 6965- Fax : (65) 6338 5695

Hey fellow Canon-ners, I know this maybe not be the exact correct place to put this post, But i know i had to warn you guys about this shop.

I got ripped off buying a HOYA CIR-POLARIZER 58mm at 79 :bigeyes:
And they are still selling the unaccurate GRETAMACBETH DISPLAY CALIBRATOR openly outside their shop!

Beware Guys!

Anyone know whats the exact price of the 58mm now?

Omg it is pretty expensive!!

Check the price here I think

I bought Tokina for only 24-26SGD. Hoya should be just slight more expensive I think.

This shop was never a "trusted" shop to begin with.

I've gotten a PNS from them before and the price was competitive. You have to know your market rates I guess.

There are many differing grades to Hoya filters, which one exactly did you get ?

There's the Super HMC, Pro1D, HMC, and the newest HD grade filters. The difference in price can be very drastic though. :dunno:

Hi... but i understand Hoya got few grades of CPL. think have the normal green low end type and the Pro 1D type. think got more.

So which type do you have? if u got the pro type than 70 plus is not that ex.:think:

Yes, thanks for the replies and suggestion, i know its my fault to begin with. But its really very ;( to see such merchants.

Hmm regarding the type im not really sure, i'll post up the picture later after my battery get charged. I doubt its the pro series.


what's with the unaccurate GRETAMACBETH DISPLAY CALIBRATOR ?



This is the hoya filter i gotten.
What type is it?

what's with the unaccurate GRETAMACBETH DISPLAY CALIBRATOR ?

The first one i gotten gives a reddish hue.
Then i went back and test another copy, it still gives a reddish hue.
The last one i brought home to try, it gives a green hue this time -.-
Super pek , made me go back and fro to Funan.

109 NorthBridge Road #02-03B Funan The IT Mall Singapore 179097 Tel (65) 6338 6965- Fax : (65) 6338 5695

Hey fellow Canon-ners, I know this maybe not be the exact correct place to put this post, But i know i had to warn you guys about this shop.

I got ripped off buying a HOYA CIR-POLARIZER 58mm at 79 :bigeyes:
And they are still selling the unaccurate GRETAMACBETH DISPLAY CALIBRATOR openly outside their shop!

Beware Guys!

Anyone know whats the exact price of the 58mm now?

Next time just go to CP in the opp building.
Also good to know the potential shops around you rather than just hop in any that sells what you're looking for :)

The first one i gotten gives a reddish hue.
Then i went back and test another copy, it still gives a reddish hue.
The last one i brought home to try, it gives a green hue this time -.-
Super pek , made me go back and fro to Funan.

The fault lies with the manufacturer or you, not with the shop. Think logically.

And yes, you were cheated- it's the normal CPL 58mm, costs ~S$40 - 45.

The fault lies with the manufacturer or you, not with the shop. Think logically.


How can it be not with the shop? When you dont know what your selling and how it works. Be reasonable.
People are paying to buy from you, so even if your product is fault , its not your fault? You dont make sense.:thumbsd:

This is not the first time i read abt this shop in this forum. What amazes me is the fact that forumers still walk into this shop to buy stuff :dunno:. Many forum members have continuously recommend the likes of TK, John and MS amongst those that are decent and yet people still continue to patronize cowboy shops which have a reputation for ripping unsuspecting customers off !

This is not the first time i read abt this shop in this forum. What amazes me is the fact that forumers still walk into this shop to buy stuff :dunno:. Many forum members have continuously recommend the likes of TK, John and MS amongst those that are decent and yet people still continue to patronize cowboy shops which have a reputation for ripping unsuspecting customers off !

Yes i know. I wouldnt have if some shop in funan sells a calibrator =x but cant seems to find any. Unfortunately only from that shop -.-

The fault lies with the manufacturer or you, not with the shop. Think logically.

How can it be not with the shop? When you dont know what your selling and how it works. Be reasonable.
People are paying to buy from you, so even if your product is fault , its not your fault? You dont make sense.:thumbsd:

That is correct. If you buy a defective product from a retail shop, and you've been through 2 to 3 copies of it from the same shop, yet something is wrong without you doing anything, it's the manufacturer's fault. With that being said, responsible shop owners will lodge a complain to the manufacturer, but the shop still owns the right to sell the products.

That is correct. If you buy a defective product from a retail shop, and you've been through 2 to 3 copies of it from the same shop, yet something is wrong without you doing anything, it's the manufacturer's fault. With that being said, responsible shop owners will lodge a complain to the manufacturer, but the shop still owns the right to sell the products.

And, just to clarify that you understand, Bally Photo, like CP/JO/MS, are resellers. You can call them 'middlemen' in the trade- they order goods from the manufacturers and sell it to the consumers at a small profit. If there is a defective product, the problem line should be between the consumer and the manufacturer.

Yeah, I guess one needs to know the market price - I got my 10-22 and BG from there and price was competive.

My experience with these shops are, when your primary product (say your lens) is sold at a cheaper price than they can sell, they'd try to use the secondary product (filters etc) to gain back more profit from you. Well, take it as an experience...

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