Bird park- 100-400mm or 70-200mm f2.8?

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New Member
Jul 10, 2006
hi, am planning a trip to the bird park this sunday morning most probably. Just like to check which lens willl be better for the trip in your opinion. I thought the 100-400mm for the Zoo was somewhat an overkill. Your thoughts please thanks.

blueweed said:
hi, am planning a trip to the bird park this sunday morning most probably. Just like to check which lens willl be better for the trip in your opinion. I thought the 100-400mm for the Zoo was somewhat an overkill. Your thoughts please thanks.

Depends on what u want...

In my last trip, i used the 100-400 extensively. Rarely the 70-200. But the 70-200 should do just fine.

100-400 is more comfortable for bird park :)

If you shoot skittish small bird will be a bit tough with 70-200

errr.... i thought probably both also have their uses?

70 - 200 f2.8 is fast and bright so it is useful for shooting with high shutter speed to freeze those moving birds, while the 100 - 400 more suitable for longer range and when fast shutter not so critical. My limited experience shows that the bird are always moving and seldom still so fast shutter very impt in order not to get blur shots.

blueweed said:
hi, am planning a trip to the bird park this sunday morning most probably. Just like to check which lens willl be better for the trip in your opinion. I thought the 100-400mm for the Zoo was somewhat an overkill. Your thoughts please thanks.

Hello, i used my trusty 70-200mm for the bird park a few months ago. I think it is sufficient. You may like to see those pictures i took by clicking my humble gallery. ;)

thanks for all your prompt replies. I guess like any KS singaporean...I will bring both!

70-200mm plus a 1.4 tc

Actually I think the 100-400 would be sufficient. In bright daylight, you'll get the fast speeds you need. The range is also very suitable for photographing animals in captivity.

But unfortunately last visit there makes me realize the birds are often under shelter or tree so the available light not great at all ...

Stoned said:
Actually I think the 100-400 would be sufficient. In bright daylight, you'll get the fast speeds you need. The range is also very suitable for photographing animals in captivity.

ianpaice said:
But unfortunately last visit there makes me realize the birds are often under shelter or tree so the available light not great at all ...

Aren't those under shelter stationary? Anyhow, i think a tripod would be in order. Those flight ones are usually done in open air right? It's those you need the speed for.

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