Beginners Outing(Part 49)-Sunset at Macritchie Reservoir on the 31 Dec(Photos thread)

This is actually my first time to visit macritchie reservoir :)

Just one shot to share.
Hi Sis, McRitchie not bad right ? also very near to where i stay. The platform can have a little more highlights or expose a little more. Nice shot and nice timing to capture sunset..:thumbsup:

Seeing the standard of all the sifus in here, I think I better find one corner and hide.

Thanks Manita,

Yup ..nice view!

.....My foreground is always underexposed.
I hope i can pick up pp and blending skill this year :)

Hi Sis, McRitchie not bad right ? also very near to where i stay. The platform can have a little more highlights or expose a little more. Nice shot and nice timing to capture sunset..:thumbsup:

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Hi flyfox,

Thanks !
I am using a 4 stop GND filter for this shot.

Haaha...nono..i mean share more of your photoes :p :p
sorry for that confusion..paiseh


comments are welcome :)

ooops my bad.
Did not shoot much, most went into the trash already .

Maybe one more..taken after the sunset.


How abt u ? More photo to share ?

Haaha...nono..i mean share more of your photoes :p :p
sorry for that confusion..paiseh

ooops my bad.
Did not shoot much, most went into the trash already .

Maybe one more..taken after the sunset.


How abt u ? More photo to share ?

Haha i shared 2 alr. include the cleonbus one..

Mine fail la..

Howabout a different perspective?


The group at work


Handheld shot during the golden hour between 7:10 pm to 7:30 pm.

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Hi wxzhuo,

#3 seems overdone, too much noise/sharping in PS???... other than cleonbus himself, the rest of the image looks like oil painting to me.

Composite photos are hard to get right... Fixed it a little, making it look like an oil painting is exactly the idea. :bsmilie:

hi all, here are my few worthless shot, please comment and help me to improve, thank you...

Bro, the third and fourth shots look decent, looks like you are catching the iso-apeture-shutter speed relationship. Time to look into photographic compositions a little - lines, shapes, warm colors, cold colors, rule of the thirds, etc...

I share my newbie shots:



C&C appreciated :)

The cloud formations are beautiful, composition wise is sound. But did you push the saturation up by a lot in post processing? Seems overdone.

The cloud formations are beautiful, composition wise is sound. But did you push the saturation up by a lot in post processing? Seems overdone.

Nope, tried to minimise pp as much as possible.
Only did S curve and borders

This is actually my first time to visit macritchie reservoir :)

Just one shot to share.

Hi all, been hoping to join you all for outing, but my schedule don't allow me to. :(

Was just wondering, how do you get this color tone on your photo during sunset?

this should be better than the coloured shot. :think:
